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Review of the frozen ssnj foot massage

가보자곡 2024-01-09 (화) 10:34 8 Months ago 861
I went to the ㅅㄴㅇ Clinic in Gangnam Station in August, but I just remembered it and am writing this. After waiting, I met the head of the consultation department and had a consultation on my concerns like at other hospitals. There was a Japanese customer next to me and he must have confused me with me because he came in while saying konnichiwa loudly. Director Seo is the only one who does liposuction and transplantation. The other director only does liposuction. He touched the area in more detail than I thought and said that it would be very effective for the entire face and that he could extract everything if I wanted. I am someone who is very worried about side effects, so I told him that I would only focus on the double chin and jawline, and I continued to receive consultations. He consulted with me while bending my head at all sorts of angles and trying out different shapes of my mouth. I have been to many liposuction departments, but the consultation was the most detailed. I asked them to extract only a little bit because my natural beauty is more natural, but they refused. They said that even if they did it naturally, customers would not be satisfied and that they would make it so that it would be noticeable. I was recommended to get nasolabial fat grafting. They said that they would store the fat frozen and asked me to tell them within 3 months. I consulted with the director again about the cost, but I don't remember the exact price. 110..? Anyway, it was a little over a million won.
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져어엉 2024-01-21 (일) 17:18 7 Months ago Address
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