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Chin tip advancement consultation review

앙량옹룡 2024-01-06 (토) 17:51 10 Months ago 2959
Since I have no chin, I looked into chin augmentation and went to many consultations! ㄱㄹㅎ, ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ, I went there and they were all really different hahaha 1. ㄱㄹㅎ The director is a good person, so he honestly told me not to do things I don't need 2. ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ The equipment is new and the director is very kind. It was nice that you explained everything I asked in detail. 3. H This place is famous for YouTube and blogs, but the consultation fee is extremely expensive. It is a non-face-to-face consultation, and they make a 10-minute video for me, so it seems expensive. Instead, this place focuses on implants. The conclusion was that I decided to do it at ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ! The reason I decided was because it is an oral and facial surgery and it is more specialized than other places, so they explained it in detail, and there is a virtual system that allows you to see your appearance changing during the surgery. I think this is a system that is provided when the surgery is confirmed haha. Anyway, I looked at that and the doctor said the surgery was advanced by about 6mm. He told me about it, but when I looked at it realistically, it felt like it was too much, so I decided to go with 5mm after seeing all the 4, 5, and 6mm lol. And I was so worried that I went to YouTube, cafes, and all the reviews of side effects and consulted, but the teacher told me realistically that he had seen too many things. I heard it, but the things I was worried were okay . Well, even if they say that's it , it's not like Thanos. Of course, you have to try it, but I liked the post-surgery care, and most of all, the director and manager made me feel comfortable and told me not to do anything unnecessary. If I had to give you a little tip, I'd take the image I wanted and the image I didn't want. I went and showed it to the director. I used a photo app to edit it and created the images I wanted and the images I didn't want. I also brought images of celebrities and told them my exact taste, and the director said he would know what kind of feeling I wanted after looking at them. Here's the cost. This is the cost that comes up when you search for hospitals on the site. So I'm sorry I won't reply to comments asking for the cost. But I'll give you all the other information as much as I can! Let's share if we can!
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Comment 25
ㅇㄴㅎㅅㅇㅇ 2024-01-06 (토) 20:04 10 Months ago Address
So detailed haha ​​thank you~!
애정애정 2024-01-06 (토) 20:14 10 Months ago Address
Of the prices listed on the site, ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ is expensive. Is there any consultation fee?
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-01-06 (토) 20:16 10 Months ago Address
Even though it is expensive, the consultation fee is 10,000 won! I think it was 20,000 won.
애정애정 2024-01-06 (토) 20:18 10 Months ago Address
Ah, thank you. ㄱㄹㅎ is plastic surgery, right?
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-01-06 (토) 20:25 10 Months ago Address
Yes, everything except ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ is plastic surgery haha.
레몬씌 2024-01-06 (토) 22:38 10 Months ago Address
thank you!!
말똥 2024-01-07 (일) 02:05 10 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-01-07 (일) 16:22 10 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
말똥 2024-01-08 (월) 17:25 10 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
오찌해 2024-01-08 (월) 11:46 10 Months ago Address
ㄱㄹㅎ He's a bit narrow, but he's conscientious haha ​​I've been going to SG a lot lately, and the director looks fine. I hope the surgery goes well!!!
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-01-08 (월) 20:13 10 Months ago Address
고마워! ㄱㄹㅎ은 오랫동안 안전하게 수술해온 병원, ㅅㅇ은 신식이며 더 전문적인 느낌이였어ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
wiwww 2024-01-19 (금) 16:50 10 Months ago Address
혹시 ㄱㄹㅎ가 어딘가요??
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-01-19 (금) 17:03 10 Months ago Address
벳츄워너 2024-01-30 (화) 14:34 9 Months ago Address
ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ는 어디야?
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-01-30 (화) 14:47 9 Months ago Address
관심갖고눈팅 2024-02-03 (토) 23:05 9 Months ago Address
고마워!!!! 잘봣엉 ㅎㅎㅎ
지별 2024-02-05 (월) 11:33 9 Months ago Address
나도 상담돌려고 하는데 자세한 후기 고마워♡ 수술 원하는대로 이쁘게 되길 바라!!
아이스촠코 2024-03-17 (일) 20:26 8 Months ago Address
후기고마워! 지금쯤이먼 수술 했으려나?
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-04-07 (일) 16:37 7 Months ago Address
응 두달 지났어ㅋㅋㅋ 자세한 후기는 방금 새글로 올렸어!
영호맘 2024-03-20 (수) 13:13 8 Months ago Address
ㄱㄹㅎ 생각하고 있는데..ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ 무턱 많이 해?지금 수술 결과 어떤지 궁금해.
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-04-07 (일) 16:39 7 Months ago Address
난 매우 만족해! ㄱㄹㅎ도 상담 좋았는데 난 구강악 전문 병원에서 하고싶어서 ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ에서 한거야ㅎㅎ 자세한 후기는 방금 새글 올렸어 그거 보고 조금이라도 도움됐으면 좋겠당/
s65amgggg 2024-04-04 (목) 19:32 7 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
앙량옹룡 Writer 2024-04-07 (일) 16:41 7 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
웅까삐야 2024-04-15 (월) 11:46 7 Months ago Address
나도 ㅅㅇㅍㅇㅅ랑 ㅇㅇㄷ 고민중
준강서강준 2024-07-18 (목) 01:22 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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