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Review of 4-site nose revision surgery

aro0114 2023-12-09 (토) 16:07 9 Months ago 2765
A review of 4 places over the course of a month. Since I can use all the materials for the tip of my nose, the price is a bit cheaper, so keep that in mind! 1. ㅇㅍ(ㅎㅈㅁ) Silicone+nasal septum+ear cartilage+nasal root resection Additional review+homepage photos provided 423 CT+photography available Review discounts are the biggest One-month swelling laser AS1 year CCTV part can be checked The director seemed busy and the consultation was not refreshing But he answered all my questions 2. ㄴㅇㄷ Silicone+nasal septum+ear cartilage osteotomy can be done or not CT+photography review condition 550 (costumb +110 added) AS1 year Swelling laser CCTV real-time observation possible at every visit The consultations with the director and director are really good And they take a long time ㅎㅎ They seem confident in the surgery 3. ㅈㅇㅌ(ㄱㅈㅌ) Silicone+nasal septum+ear cartilage+donated costumb osteotomy is also recommended CT+photography review condition 550 Didn't you ask about AS and aftercare..I don't remember Maybe they'll do the swelling laser once? Full video available upon request for CCTV The director explains while drawing on the side view photo he printed. It's good that he explains where and how the materials are used. However, it seems that ribs are almost always used. 4. ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ(ㄱㅈㅇ) Silicone + septum + ear cartilage 460 (price without discount) Functional ribs +150 Custom silicone +100 Osteotomy would also be effective. Only CT scan was taken (Singdam fee 10,000 won) AS 1 year, swelling laser unlimited for 1 year , follow-up up to 1 year Even though the director had just had surgery, the consultation was kind and detailed. This is the first time I've talked about bone asymmetry , but the shape wasn't my standard, it was just natural..! Overall, the consultation was so, so good, and I made a reservation, but everything they said was different, so I'm still thinking about it..ㅎㅎ
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Comment 22
청명 2023-12-09 (토) 17:07 9 Months ago Address
잘 읽었어!!! 정보 고마워!!!!!!
보니맘 2023-12-09 (토) 22:56 9 Months ago Address
어디로 할지 정햇어?!
aro0114 Writer 2023-12-09 (토) 23:48 9 Months ago Address
아마 예약금 걸어둔데서 할 거 같아!
넌사랑이야 2023-12-10 (일) 00:00 9 Months ago Address
우와!!정보글 고마웡!!
키위뇸뇸 2023-12-10 (일) 00:12 9 Months ago Address
정보글 고마워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 나도 첫수라!!
minminn 2023-12-10 (일) 08:40 9 Months ago Address
정보글 고마웡!!!!! 수술 잘 되면 후기도알려줘
실리콘빼고싶다 2023-12-11 (월) 23:46 9 Months ago Address
ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ 가 어디야?.?
aro0114 Writer 2023-12-12 (화) 00:04 9 Months ago Address
약사 2023-12-12 (화) 13:38 9 Months ago Address
나도 ㅋㅇㅍㄹㅅ 여기 내가 원하던 딱 자려한 느낌이라 코 상담 예약 넣어놨는데 후기 잘 보고가~
용코로로 2023-12-12 (화) 17:22 9 Months ago Address
코토초포 2023-12-18 (월) 19:29 8 Months ago Address
많이 다니느라 수고많았어. 나는 ㅍㄹㅈ 병원 알아보고 있는데 어떤지 혹시 알아?
aro0114 Writer 2023-12-18 (월) 19:51 8 Months ago Address
거긴 처음듣는데..ㅜㅜ
배터리충전 2023-12-21 (목) 11:48 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
aro0114 Writer 2023-12-21 (목) 11:57 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
배터리충전 2023-12-21 (목) 14:17 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Rana 2023-12-21 (목) 13:19 8 Months ago Address
정보 고마우
여르미님 2023-12-21 (목) 19:04 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
aro0114 Writer 2023-12-21 (목) 19:07 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
여르미님 2023-12-21 (목) 19:11 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
aro0114 Writer 2023-12-21 (목) 19:13 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
맛있는딸기스무디 2024-01-10 (수) 17:45 8 Months ago Address
정보 고마웡
스텔라사랑해 2024-01-21 (일) 07:11 7 Months ago Address
정보 감사합니다
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