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B Bㅇㅇ ㄷㄷㅇ Footprint review

나달맘 2023-03-14 (화) 14:08 1 Years ago 2552
-ㅂ (ㄱㄱㅈ) Just like the rumors say, you explain in great detail while getting out of breath, so you seem to understand things quickly. As soon as you looked at my nose, you showed me cases of people with similar noses to mine who had non-prosthetic noses and explained in detail what kind of surgeries these people had. You said that the side effects of this surgery are like this, and if you supplement this and have this kind of surgery, this will be solved, and you showed me pictures of all the side effects and all this, so I really trusted you. You showed me the endoscope and the CT scan from the back to the front, and you even showed me from the bottom to the top, explaining where the problems were and what the issues were. I almost made a reservation right away… But what can I say, they explained it in such detail that it made me feel trustworthy, but the part they recommended was a bit excessive and made me anxious.. I think my crooked nose is ultimately caused by valve stenosis, and since it is functional, it is even more necessary to have a white nose, so they recommended a valve surgery, but other hospitals said that it was not enough to need surgery and that my valve was normal, so I was a little taken aback. But in the end, it was too expensive and there was no CCTV. If you ask, they will record it with a camcorder, but it costs an extra 100,000 won. What was it…? -ㅂㅇㅇ Private hospital, patented surgery. Is the consultation annoying ? They are so rude while smiling… Do you know what I mean? You can tell they don’t want to answer without a soul. As soon as I went in, they showed me a cross-section of the CT screen and said, “Don’t get a functional nose, it’s not a problem.” So I said, “Don’t get it at all?” It’s pointless, let’s go next time!” and moved on. Huh… If you’re going to do it like an X-ray, why did you get a CT scan…? And when I said that my crooked nose and beak were my concerns, he said that I could just grind down my beak and get my nose tip done, but he said that there's nothing I can do about my crooked nose and that it can't be changed, so I should just live with it, lol ...? If that's what I was going to do, why did I get a nose job..? I guess he just doesn't want to do anything other than the factory-style copy-and-paste surgery... I was so dumbfounded. He didn't even look closely at the shape of my nose or anything like that. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 3. ㄷㄷㅇ (ㅊㅅㅊ) It's not ㅗㅓ, it's ㅔㅣ (Sinsa Station). He looked at me very carefully and was very kind and sincere. He compared me from the back of the CT scan to the front and told me that I didn't need a valve and that I should just get a septum and inferior turbinate. He also touched the actual shape of my nose in greater detail than in the picture and looked at it several times. It seemed like he was constantly running simulations in his head while consulting me. I told him that I'm scared and that I would definitely go with no-implant surgery and that I would never use silicone. He said that it would be better to apply a thin layer of silicone after the beak is sharpened and that a pretty line will come out if I don't add silicone, and that the smoothness characteristic of a plastic nose might not be there, so if that's okay, I told him that it was okay and that I wanted to take the silicone out. He accepted right away that he would take the silicone out and that my nose tip is strong and my ear cartilage might be weak, so if I wanted a style that I could have, a donated rib would be better for my nose type. I said that I didn't want that either.. ㅋㅋ When I asked if it couldn't be done with ear cartilage, he said that it would be natural and that it was okay. It's not that it couldn't be done, but if I use ear cartilage, the difficulty level increases due to the nature of my nose and the surgery time would be longer. So I asked him to make it as fancy as possible with ear cartilage, so he said okay. If you're worried, ear cartilage is better than rib donation. He said that he would do his best with ear cartilage. After the consultation, I really sold my skills, but most doctors are stubborn and some get angry if you don't do what they say, but he absolutely listened to my opinion and thought about it according to my opinion, so I made a reservation. There's CCTV and I can view it! By the way, has anyone had surgery from Director ㄷㄷㅇ ㅊㅅㅊ?? I need some information ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Or has anyone had surgery when Director ㅊㅅㅊ was in ㅅㅍㄹㅅ?? Please tell me your surgery review!! ㅠㅠ

Comment 17
RoJia 2023-03-14 (화) 14:12 1 Years ago Address
발품후기 고마워 상담받으러 갈 때 참고할게!
다나의것 2023-03-14 (화) 17:20 1 Years ago Address
헐 후기 진짜 길다ㅜㅜ 참고할게!!
Olie 2023-03-16 (목) 16:25 1 Years ago Address
가끔 나를 대량으로 찍어내는 공장 물품처럼 생각하는 거 보면 그 병원에서는 안 하고 싶긴 해 ㅋㅋㅋ
연모님 2023-06-04 (일) 12:26 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나달맘 Writer 2023-06-04 (일) 15:11 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
햄끼 2023-07-18 (화) 00:07 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나달맘 Writer 2023-07-18 (화) 04:15 1 Years ago Address
나는 아주 만족해 ㅎㅎ
물론 원장님이 내 코는 꼬끝이 피부도 너무 두껍고 텐션이 쎄서 너무 자기주장이 강해서 비연골로 하면 꼬끝이 많이 못올라가고 자연스럽게 마무리될거라고 하셨는데 딱 그렇게 수술한 코라고 말해도 엥? 걍 니코아냐? 하고 안믿을정도로 세상 자연스러워서 4개월차가 된 요즘은 약간 붓기땜에 더 높아보이던 때가 그립기도 해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 만약 원장님이 혹시나 나처럼 귀연골로만 하지 말고 늑을 쓰자고 하셨으면 굳이 필요없는걸 괜히 추천하시는분은 아니니까 늑 쓰는것도 한번 고민은 해봐!
나도 원랜 귀연골만 쓰는거로 얘기하다가 내 코를 한참 만져보시고 ct를 거의 10번을 왔다갔다 하시면서 고민하시더니 자려한코 원하는거면 그래도 높이를 좀 원하는걸텐데 늑을 쓰자고 하셨었거든!
난 그냥 워낙에 S자로 휘어보이고 메부리코인게 컴플렉스였던거고 늑을 쓰는건 너무 무서운데 그걸 감행할만큼 높이 욕심은 없었던지라 욕심내서 할 생각도 없었구 지금도 굳이 다시 건들고 싶은 생각은 없지만 다시 돌아간다면 단호하게 늑은 안쓴다고 말하지 않고 쬐금 더 고민해보긴 할듯ㅋㅋㅋ 넘 자연스러워서 가끔 아쉬워 ㅋㅋㅋ
암튼 나는 원장님도 너무 좋으시고 워낙 솔직하고 있는 그대로인 사람같아서 아주 좋았어
내 주변에도 추천중!
나두 그때 목욜 오전에 했었는데 ㅎㅎ 엄청 떨리겠다!!! 잘 받고 와!
햄끼 2023-07-24 (월) 00:10 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나달맘 Writer 2023-10-21 (토) 15:38 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
루리라라리 2023-09-06 (수) 19:38 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나달맘 Writer 2023-09-08 (금) 17:25 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
말하는딸기 2023-10-13 (금) 22:21 1 Years ago Address
나도 여기서 할지 고민중인데 예사야 혹시 여기서 했니 ㅠㅠ 원장님 상담이 마음에 든 곳이 여기가 유일해 ...
나달맘 Writer 2023-10-14 (토) 01:19 1 Years ago Address
ㄷㄷㅇ에서 하려는거지?
웅웅 난 3월에 받았구 아주 만족해 ㅎㅎ
후관리나 수술 끝난 후 태도도아주 마음에 들었어!
그렇군 2023-10-20 (금) 22:20 1 Years ago Address
비용은 얼마였어?
나달맘 Writer 2023-10-21 (토) 15:39 1 Years ago Address
그건 상담 직접 받아봐
사람마다 수술 내용에 따라 천차만별인데
내가 얼마였는지 알려주는건 의미가 없어
플리즈라스트성공하자 2024-10-12 (토) 14:36 1 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나달맘 Writer 2024-10-22 (화) 10:49 1 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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