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List of products for first hook nose surgery

망고엄마33 2023-07-08 (토) 22:54 1 Years ago 1130
1. Because it is a medium to large hospital, it feels like it is well equipped with hospital facilities and aftercare systems. I told him that I wanted something natural enough that only the hooked beak would disappear, and the director provided consultation accordingly. While watching Citi, he drew and measured functionally and cosmetically and explained why this did not work and why it would be better to do it this way, and was very kind. An anesthesiologist is present, general anesthesia is administered, and hospitalization is possible in a single room. I think it would be good in terms of safety! 2. The director explains while watching Citi. He put a cotton swab in my nose, showed me the outlines, and drew a picture to explain it. However, I said I wanted non-implants, but both the director and the director recommended implants. The director accepted my opinion that I wanted a natural look in the future and said he would know what I wanted, but until the end, the consulting director told me to think about implants. The surgery takes about two hours to function. I have some concerns because I don't know if two hours of sedative anesthesia is safe, and the advantage is that the price is very, very affordable when you factor in the actual cost of the function.

Comment 11
도민준 2023-07-12 (수) 16:58 1 Years ago Address
코 발품파느라 고생많았네 정보고마웡!
웨디오 2023-07-12 (수) 23:21 1 Years ago Address
우청민 2023-07-13 (목) 15:35 1 Years ago Address
양꼬치헌터 2023-07-20 (목) 17:48 1 Years ago Address
매부리코라는 단어보고 호다닥 들어왔다... 너두 나처럼 자연스러운 코를 원하는구나.. 무보형물 진짜잘하는곳 찾기 쉽지 않더라 ㅠ_ㅠ 추천해줘서 고마워 내 발품리스트에 한번 넣어보겠어 ㅎㅎ
초록초 2023-07-28 (금) 02:19 1 Years ago Address
혹시 ㅈㅇㅈ 원장님 누군지 알 수 있을까?
망고엄마33 Writer 2023-07-28 (금) 06:34 1 Years ago Address
김혜영 원장님 이었어!
미뭉 2023-08-08 (화) 22:40 1 Years ago Address
헉 매부리만 교정힐건데 전신마취는 조금 과한거같아 ㅠㅠ 요즘 그렇게 진행하는곳 거의없어서 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 조금더 알아보기바라
망고엄마33 Writer 2023-08-08 (화) 22:41 1 Years ago Address
웅ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ발품 네군데 더 돌아서 총 여섯군데 보고 예약했고 낼모레 수술이야! 신경써줘서 고마워 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ!
미뭉 2023-08-08 (화) 22:43 1 Years ago Address
혹시 어디 예약했는지 알수있늘깡 ㅠㅠ? 나두 몇개월째 고민중이라..!
망고엄마33 Writer 2023-08-08 (화) 22:50 1 Years ago Address
난 오블리 예약했어!
미뭉 2023-08-08 (화) 23:10 1 Years ago Address
고마워 :) ㅠㅠ!!
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