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Apgujeong ㅂㄴㅂㄱ Plastic Surgery Clinic

Jdksks 2022-07-18 (월) 15:42 2 Years ago 511
I was curious about my nose, so I went for an in-person consultation. They explained what I was curious about and gave me good price advice . I'm still a little worried because it's a bit more business-like than other hospitals. My friend, who went to the consultation with me, said it would be better to go to a one-man hospital and get it done. I did

Comment 6
sjdncmfkdj… 2022-07-18 (월) 15:42 2 Years ago Address
차라리 1인병원이 나을수있어요
xbdeidjsbs 2022-07-18 (월) 17:10 2 Years ago Address
낫홍 2022-07-18 (월) 23:49 2 Years ago Address
ㅂㄴㅂㄱ 기능미용코 상담 가보려고 하는데 ㅠㅠ

병원 좀 더 둘러보시는것도 나쁘지않을듯요!
Ramying 2022-07-19 (화) 05:27 2 Years ago Address
1인병원 가보시는게 ㅠㅠ..
어쩌라고내맘이지 2022-07-19 (화) 12:03 2 Years ago Address
맞아요 의사많으면 괜히불안해요
푼수댁 2022-09-20 (화) 23:27 2 Years ago Address
제가 거기서 광대 했는데 자연스럽게 잘 됐어요 15년째 부작용 없이 잘 살고 있습니다~~~
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