Because it is a medium to large hospital, it feels like it is well equipped with hospital facilities and aftercare systems. I told him that I wanted something natural enough that only the hooked beak would disappear, and the director provided consultation accordingly. While watching Citi, he drew and measured functionally and cosmetically and explained why this did not work and why it would be better to do it this way, and was very kind. An anesthesiologist is present, general anesthesia is administered, and hospitalization is possible in a single room. I think it would be good in terms of safety!
The director explains while watching Citi. He put a cotton swab in my nose, showed me the outlines, and drew a picture to explain it. However, I said I wanted non-implants, but both the director and the director recommended implants. The director accepted my opinion that I wanted a natural look in the future and said he would know what I wanted, but until the end, the consulting director told me to think about implants. The surgery takes about two hours to function. I have some concerns because I don't know if two hours of sedative anesthesia is safe, and the advantage is that the price is very, very affordable when you factor in the actual cost of the function.