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Review of breast surgery

무섭지만 2023-07-01 (토) 20:09 1 Years ago 1482
1. Dr. BOO Plastic Surgery I initially wanted something bigger, and I only had 3 consultations . Should I say that the person who thinks that they will do it here in 10 minutes while deciding on breast augmentation is really amazing... I don't know if I do it because my acquaintances are doing well , but I was very worried because there was no one around me. They say that you have to pay the deposit right now, and you have to decide the surgery within two hours, so 2 hours is too long . I know that I have to attract even one person, and I know that canceling the operation in the middle will take a big hit . While in a hurry, the consultation time was less than 10 minutes, and the waiting time was only 3 hours... They recommended a size of 400,375, but I wondered if it would be better to go bigger, but I was worried that it would be burdensome, but the counselor was decidedly not good... I was annoyed when I said that I would do this with the desired surgical part, but who recommended it???? After thinking about it, I heard that I haven't had an ultrasound scan yet, and I'm fighting with an employee sitting at the counter... Is this how large hospitals are supposed to be??? 2. Because it's the director of the G-L Surgery Clinic (not animals), you know it even if you don't tell me your name, right? I recommended 350, but I think you can see whether or not you are gaining weight. He pinched the lower part of the breast and pulled it off...? Hahahaha As rumored, the counselor is very kind, and when I ask a question, he answers right away, whether it's morning or night... Frankly, I made an appointment at another hospital, but he said he would consult once because he was anxious, but he was very You kindly consulted me. However, looking at the reviews, the director said that he did not recommend a larger size, but rather complained about the size. Why did I recommend a 350?? Is it because it's not awkward because I'm gaining weight well? Usually, most of the hospitals here recommend around 310, and I was recommended in the late 200s, but I got a recommendation of 350... up to 375? I hate having 11 breast bones, I wish it was 1, and I hope the breast bones come together well, and I really like doing fitness, but I wanted to make it double flat because breastfeeding is a problem and can be touched, but if it is double flat, animation is almost inevitable I can't choose even if I say yes.... Is there an example of a subfascial rather than a double plane in the G-L surgery (not an animal)? I have a pair of breasts and based on the circumference of 75, one side is a and the other side is b. I want to make Mento Smooth because I value touch and naturalness, but I'm worried about rippling... is it okay? Too much fear...

Comment 10
주하조아 2023-07-02 (일) 14:31 1 Years ago Address
Mens feels better than Motiva??? Personally, I think Motiva looks pretty.
무섭지만 Writer 2023-07-02 (일) 17:37 1 Years ago Address
The texture is the most similar to men's, but the shape is different for each person. In fact, if you look at natural breasts, they will sag because of the weight, but if you don't think that shape is important, I won't do it. ㅇㅇ The hospital counselor told me that he wanted me to be a little older, so he was surprised..? However, the counselor said that he had surgery, but it was a rice lid.. I don't know if the surgery was done elsewhere.
짱소희 2023-07-03 (월) 11:01 1 Years ago Address
If you are going to continue exercising, subfascia will be better.
무섭지만 Writer 2023-07-03 (월) 11:18 1 Years ago Address
It is said that the fascial implant is touched... If you lose weight, won't it be obvious? What are the downsides? It is natural to worry about breastfeeding... You can touch it, but the implant... Do you have any regrets about lowering the fascia?
발이슷하 2023-07-03 (월) 15:43 1 Years ago Address
It's a little bit of interest because it's a pretty shape, but the director's consultation wasn't bad, right?
무섭지만 Writer 2023-07-03 (월) 16:05 1 Years ago Address
He did a good job with counseling though, it's because the shape really differs in taste, but... The director of ㅇㅇ is good at counseling, so I can trust him... But I'm thinking about going somewhere else
안쓰러운멸치 2023-07-04 (화) 21:58 1 Years ago Address
나 여기서한지 4갤짼데 나중에안건데 코전문의더라고......근데 감슴성형디게 많이 하신걸로 들엇고 일단 난 160/45~7왓다갓다 (상체깡마름ㅠㅠ) 흉곽이65도살짝안된다했구 300씩 넣엇어 가슴방 11 멘토스무스(클래식)하이? 그건데  가족들이 티는나지만 디게 자연스럽다고햇어 누우면 백퍼 밥그릇이긴한데 너무마르면 어쩔수없다더라구 슴가수술 누가 100퍼만족이라던데 그건아닌거같고 4갤차지만 80퍼는 만족
밑선햇는데 난 진짜 회복 개느렷던편..ㅡㅡ 겨절들보다
느린듯..나만그런가?싶엇고 근데 시간이지날수록 괜찮아 지고잇네  중요한건 나두 약간 처진거 속으로 원하고잇엇는데 ㅋㅋ
이게 문제가 꼭지랑 맞아야겟더라고....나 좀 내려간듯한데 꼭지가 약간 위쪽에잇어서 팔들어올리면 피부올라가면서 꼭지가 너무 위로가서 별로 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 딱 꽂지에 맞춰서하는게 모양도....니플햇을때도 낫겟더라... 무점착니플해보니까 그게 흐물흐물한게아니고 아주 약간 단단? 하다해야할까..그래서 붙였는데 꼭지가조금 위에잇으니까 옷입엇을때 별로엿어....
도움됐음 좋겟어서 긴댓들 달아버렷넴...그럼 20000......
안쓰러운멸치 2023-07-04 (화) 21:58 1 Years ago Address
⁇ yam
무섭지만 Writer 2023-07-04 (화) 22:56 1 Years ago Address
오 댓글 고마워 일단 나도 ㄷㅇㅇ병원 ㅂㅈㅇ원장이 코전문이였다가 가슴으로 바꾼걸 알게돼서 급하게 취소하고 계약금도 그냥 줘버렸어. 지금은 그냥 유방전문의나 가슴전문병원이 나은거같아 원래 마른편이면 살을 좀 찌우면 더 자연스러워질듯한데? 흉곽에따라 다르지만
JUNVIJUNVI 2023-08-03 (목) 12:07 1 Years ago Address
ㄱㄹ은 ㅇㅈㅇ원장님 있는 거기 말하는거 맞지?
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