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ㅌㅌㅇ I went for my first consultation

qlsp 2023-06-28 (수) 11:54 1 Years ago 687
ㅌㅌㅇ I went for my first consultation and was shocked when I saw the estimate. After taking a CT scan and talking to the director, the director came and talked to me, and the director calmly and kindly gave me good advice. The director -! However, after the consultation, they told me the cost, and they said they would do a bulge, double nose correction, lengthening, and osteotomy, but it was the first treatment and it was too expensive compared to other hospitals.

Comment 10
독고고독 2023-06-28 (수) 12:17 1 Years ago Address
why ? How long will it take????
qlsp Writer 2023-06-28 (수) 12:19 1 Years ago Address
Including donated ribs, the first number is 600,,ha.
덥더미 2023-06-28 (수) 12:19 1 Years ago Address
How much is too much?
qlsp Writer 2023-06-28 (수) 12:22 1 Years ago Address
400 중 후반 생각하고 잇엇는데 600 대라니까 충격먹엇어,, 타 병원에서도 해야되는거 똑같다고 햇는데 거긴 400 중반이엿거든
크리스탕 2023-06-28 (수) 12:49 1 Years ago Address
근데 비용이 저렴하다고해서 무조건 좋은건 아니니까...비용보다 다른 부분 꼼꼼하게 알아보는게 좋을것같애! 비용은 항상 마지막에 비교하는걸로!
아라현아 2023-06-28 (수) 13:29 1 Years ago Address
비싼건 이유가있을거양..
도민준 2023-06-29 (목) 14:18 1 Years ago Address
다른 병원들도 절골 하라고한거야? 좀더 발품 팔아보는게 어떨까...
qlsp Writer 2023-06-29 (목) 14:52 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
인아에요 2023-07-02 (일) 17:06 1 Years ago Address
내 글도 봐줘!!!
나도 ㅌㅌㅇ 갔는데 나한테 복코, 긴코, 비준각비용, 기증늑 비용 다 받더라구,, 다른병원에 비해서 비싸긴 했는데
상담은 어땠어? 나도 여기 고민하고 있거든...
근데 여기보다 훨씬 비싼곳도 한군데 더 있어 ㅋㅋㅋ
cuarentaci… 2023-07-03 (월) 23:24 1 Years ago Address
헐 재수술도 아닌데 거기 생각보다 많이 부르네요..
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