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Gangnam nostril reduction review

asdfa12 2023-04-24 (월) 16:15 1 Years ago 1886
1. ㅇㄴㅁㄷ Plastic Surgery Clinic ㅇㅇㅁ Representative Director Waiting time: short, around 10 minutes, desk staff friendly Consultation: Counseling staff - friendly. Please keep the consultation for 20 to 30 minutes. You can hear the basics from the inside and outside. Those who have done some research in advance may already know this. The director shows a lot of before and after surgery photos - Consultation time is within 5 minutes. It is said that they wake you up during anesthesia to receive feedback and reduce the amount. Fasting the day before is required. The consultation ends quickly, so prepare any questions you want to ask the director in advance. Cost: Minimal medial incision + nose wing elevation; Mid 200s (discounted price for writing a review) 2. Waiting time for the representative director of Plastic Surgery Clinic: Long. Consultation for about an hour : Counseling staff - friendly. The consultation lasts about 10 to 15 minutes. A lateral incision is recommended here. Director providing scar laser service starting a week later - Consultation time is approximately 10 minutes. You are kind. It explains what is wrong with the nose as a whole. Show the nose what it looks like by looking at it from various angles and shaping it with tools. Local anesthesia or sedative anesthesia can be selected. Sleep anesthesia requires fasting the day before. Cost: Lateral incision + alar elevation; 200 (including sedative anesthesia cost)

Comment 12
키티공쥰 2023-04-25 (화) 10:50 1 Years ago Address
콧볼축소만 따로도 가능한거였군? 나 ㅎㅅㅊ원장님한테 코수술 받으면서 콧볼축소도 같이 함~! 전체적인 코모양이랑 라인 맘에 들어~!~! 한달 반 넘었당
여니찡 2023-04-26 (수) 11:40 1 Years ago Address
모모나키 2023-04-28 (금) 17:01 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
써머탐 2023-06-05 (월) 13:52 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마워 ~~
g히히 2023-06-26 (월) 01:54 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마워!
chartreuse 2023-06-27 (화) 10:06 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마워!!!
무늬는 2023-07-15 (토) 22:14 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마워!!
예미 2023-08-03 (목) 00:32 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마워!
제일안전 2023-09-13 (수) 09:31 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마웡
키키22 2023-09-15 (금) 15:30 1 Years ago Address
정보 고마우ㅏ
sotte234 2023-11-01 (수) 19:13 10 Months ago Address
콧볼축소 + 콧날개 올리기  가격인거지??
Muscular 2024-08-06 (화) 09:26 1 Months ago Address
정보 고마워
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