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Face line

ㅋㅋㅋ서아님 2023-06-16 (금) 11:33 1 Years ago 668
I went for a face line consultation because my lines were evenly measured because I had two lines drawn , and the director was very conscientious. He said he would only correct the puffy lines on one side and not touch the other side since it was natural. I also consulted with a nose, and he recommended a nose that would be fine even after 10 or 20 years. Don't overdo it. They told me not to. The cost was cheaper than I expected compared to other places, and above all, the director was very conscientious.

Comment 2
워니럽럽 2023-06-16 (금) 12:09 1 Years ago Address
양심적이면 더 믿음가지..
모모나키 2023-06-17 (토) 14:02 1 Years ago Address
양심적이라고 해서 꼭 수술을 잘하는건 아니더라구요
윤곽3종하려고 했는데 광대만 하자해서 양심적이구나 생각했는데
왠걸? 옆광대쪽 패임옴... 스트레스..하...
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