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Reviews from Busan

초코송이22332 2023-06-11 (일) 14:37 1 Years ago 714
I went to a total of two places, and 1.     Director ㄷㅁ explained things step by step and was kind, so I had faith in them. Director? Rather, it was a consultation centered around the director. 2. ㄴㅇ I went here with almost the intention of doing it because the reviews were the line I wanted, but the director was too vague? I skipped it because I felt like they were watching.

Comment 4
모모나키 2023-06-11 (일) 18:23 1 Years ago Address
원장위주의 병원으로 가는게 좋겠져? 물론 다른곳도 좀더 알아보시고
먀리먕먕 2023-06-11 (일) 22:40 1 Years ago Address
원장님 대충 봐주면 아무리 잘하는 곳이라도 안 가고 싶어지더라고 ,,, 부산은 여러 곳 돌아다니는 거 추천!!
곰주야 2023-06-13 (화) 10:15 1 Years ago Address
부산은 잘하는데 어디일까~
다피예장 2023-06-26 (월) 10:20 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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