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Gangnam functional rhinoplasty ㅊㄷㅊ/ㅇㅇㅂ product review

코고민중 2023-05-23 (화) 21:20 1 Years ago 2073
First of all, I am a person who suffers from rhinitis the most, and beauty treatment is a bonus… ! Even if I didn't have plastic surgery for rhinitis, I would definitely do it. And since I hate silicone, I looked into the non-implantable type! For your information , I only went to two places due to time constraints, because I always pursued natural products and was afraid of side effects… I'm worried even though I'm about to make a reservation ㅠ 1. ㅊㄷㅊ (Director ㄱㅌㅎ) - Price: 640 (240 rhinitis + 400 beauty) - Use of septal cartilage at the tip of the nose + donor fascia at the bridge of the nose? First of all, the hospital atmosphere was very nice and the director was very confident. The tone of voice was not burdensome, and it was good to watch the video explaining the non-implants that was filmed on YouTube before the consultation with the director. Also, during the consultation, I was right next to IU, so my nose was short + my nose was low + my eyebrows were low + my face was small + I felt like my lower abdomen was sticking out a little overall. Feeling sluggish? (That's why I had it corrected ㅠㅠ) But you said that the gap between the eyebrows is not low, and the nose is short and low lol... He said I have a cute face and said it's better to look natural rather than flashy. I also like natural looks, so it suited my needs well. He gave me a lot of explanations, but since it was my first time selling my hair, I couldn't ask many questions. That's a shame. The rest is really everything. It was good and it was good that they did the virtual plastic surgery. Just make sure it wasn't too much. And since I was focusing more on rhinitis, it was good that the otolaryngology director was there. I had inferior nasal conchae + nasal septum. The inferior nasal conchae definitely had to be done because the mucous membrane on the right side was too big. The septum was a little bigger. It's straight, so I don't have to, but while I was doing it, he said it would be good to do it. My inferior nasal conchae is 180 and my nasal septum is 60, so it's 240, but since it's 90% of the actual cost, I should pay about 24, right? But the downside was that it was too expensive. And the manager kept asking me if I wanted to make a reservation, so that was a bit... Yes 2. ㅇㅇㅂ (I can't remember the director's name ㅠㅠ) - Price: 275 (Rhinitis 70 + Beauty 205? Rhinitis was 75...) - I think the beak was shaved a little and the bridge of the nose was silicone + nose tip cartilage (ear cartilage). The hospital is very big and very big. I was surprised that it was very large, but I was actually antipathetic because it felt a bit like a factory... Also, is the staff treating me too businesslike? You know, it was just that feeling. The director also said it, but it felt like he was trying to please me as if he was soothing a child... And more than anything, the reason I said I couldn't remember the director's name and wrote it roughly was that I was originally going to get it from Director Park, but he said he was naturally good at it, but he was in the middle of surgery and suddenly it was Kim? The director or another director made me the director of the center. So I consulted with the director and he said I had a curved nose (this is the first time I've heard this in 2 years of life) and that I needed to shave it off. But you can see it, it's not sticking out all the way, it's touching the bone at the bridge of my nose. Even though there was a soft, curved bone inside, it didn't actually protrude through the bridge of my nose. However, people kept telling me that I had a curved bone, so they suggested I shave it off and even use silicone, but there were people around me who had side effects from silicone implants , so I said I wanted to get non-implants. They say it's safe, but they force me to use silicone... I was so shocked that I broke my bones... Shave it?!! Even after all this, you keep emphasizing silicone and talking about cartilage at the tip of the nose, but I've already lost some credibility in the middle of the nose, and as I said before, I pursue something more natural. But you're emphasizing a flashy nose? It seemed like you kept mentioning a nose that suits you better rather than a nose that suits my face shape. And it was a bit funny? What was absurd was that, after the director's consultation, the director said that the surgery would be performed by Dr. Park, even though he is not the current director. No, it was a bit absurd that the consultation was received from the center director, but the surgery was performed by Dr. Park, who had not even received any consultation... To be honest, I was really a bit confused here. Oh, and since this is a collaboration between ENT and plastic surgery, I received a separate consultation for rhinitis. In the ENT consultation, they said that since my septum is almost straight, there could be a dispute with insurance if I do surgery. Why did 1 do that ? ? I felt a little uncomfortable while doing it... Anyway, because of those things, I paid a reservation fee to go here. After reading other people's reviews, I decided on number 1, but today I looked at the side effects of the nasal septum and found that they were more than I expected. Not being able to breathe and cartilage showing through... The hospital says you don't have to worry about your sagging bone showing, but my biggest worry is not being able to breathe. Is it just rhinitis? what do you think about it… But I'm still worried because I'm so stressed out about my pale appearance... I was going to have surgery on Thursday.

Comment 14
이뮤우 2023-05-24 (수) 10:30 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코고민중 Writer 2023-05-24 (수) 14:08 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
히츠블루주세요 2023-05-24 (수) 15:08 1 Years ago Address
이거 ㅇㅇㅂ 정확히 어디야? 여러곳 있어서 내가 상담간곳은 협진은 아니라 아닌것 같긴한데 혹시몰라서 가격, 원장님 정보 알 수 있을까?
코고민중 Writer 2023-05-24 (수) 16:44 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
등륜 2023-05-25 (목) 14:48 1 Years ago Address
예사얌 혹시 ㅇㅇㅂ가 강남에 있는거야 논현에 있는거야?
코고민중 Writer 2023-05-27 (토) 02:48 1 Years ago Address
단팥앙금붕어빵 2023-05-26 (금) 15:53 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅇㅂ 메모 안가야겟다 ㅠㅠ
코고민중 Writer 2023-05-27 (토) 02:49 1 Years ago Address
나랑은 선생님이 안 맞았던 거 같아ㅠ… 다른 분들은 맞을 수 있겠지만
모모나키 2023-05-28 (일) 19:29 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코고민중 Writer 2023-06-04 (일) 02:44 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
감자뚜비 2023-05-31 (수) 17:13 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅇㅂ나도 예약하긴 햇는데  혹시 ㅇㅇㅂ어딘지정확히 어딘지 알수있을까?
코고민중 Writer 2023-06-04 (일) 02:44 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
하일라이너 2023-07-10 (월) 18:06 1 Years ago Address
혹시 결정 했어? 나도 ㅊㄷㅊ 상담받았는데 뭔가 너무 바빠보이는게 걸리네 ㅠㅠ
setori 2023-12-08 (금) 00:21 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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