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ㄷㅇㅇ, ㅂㅁ, ㅇㅇㅂ, ㅇㄴ

신비켓 2023-05-14 (일) 19:17 1 Years ago 2435
ㄷㅇㅇ- ㅅㅇㅅ/ㄱㅇㅈ 6 reviews (Gangnam Sister Bobby Talk) If you write 6 reviews, they say they will set you 400 ㅂㅁ -ㄱㅈㅎ The director's estimate is 4.08 million won ㅇㅇㅂ-ㄱㅈㅇ The representative director said it will cost around 500 to 600. If you write a review, They say they can match it to the late 400s. ㅇㄴ-418 I'm thinking about skipping it because the reviews here aren't good. I have to use donated ribs and have a short nose, round nose, and bridge of the nose, so I get that kind of estimate. What do you think? It's a major nose surgery, so I'm thinking about DA, AB, and Marvel. Which would be best? Please let me know if anyone has had the surgery. I want to get a fancy straight beoseon nose.
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Comment 8
왜그러셩 2023-05-14 (일) 21:00 1 Years ago Address
I'm having a good time!!
팡오네 2023-05-15 (월) 12:20 1 Years ago Address
It's hard to tell because I don't know where the other hospitals are, but I was okay with the director.. It's a bit annoying to write a review, but the price is still a plus...
재수술성공제발제발 2023-05-15 (월) 13:43 1 Years ago Address
What is the review? Is it okay? Did the surgery go well?
포니시 2023-05-15 (월) 13:54 1 Years ago Address
세번째 병원에서 코 했는데 코 모양 얄쌍하게 잘나와서 만족중이야
모모나키 2023-05-15 (월) 14:37 1 Years ago Address
다 유명한 병원이네
담담히 2023-05-15 (월) 15:22 1 Years ago Address
대부분 400~500선인가보네??? 비용적으로는 ㄷㅇㅇ가 젤 괜찮긴하다 어차피 모양도 중요하게 봐야할텐데 전문원징들 있는 곳으로 보는게 좋긴한듯함!
복코링 2023-05-22 (월) 08:24 1 Years ago Address
나는 코 재수술+콧대+귀연골.기증늑 해서 460정도나왔어
koristar 2023-06-26 (월) 23:12 1 Years ago Address
나도 ㄷㅇㅇ 생각중이긴 한데 후기 써야하네..
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