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닉예 2023-05-02 (화) 11:40 1 Years ago 1359
ㅇㄴㅂ, ㅊㄷㅊ, ㄴㄴ I've been there! First of all, ㄴㄴ was really cheap, but I was suspicious because it was cheap. They kept telling me to keep depositing money, so I did because I got a 100% refund, but I still haven't gotten it;;; The manager of ㅊㄷㅊ is a jerk.. Where else should I go? They said it wasn't that great, but the director was nice.. ㅇㄴㅂ I decided to go here, but since it's my first time coming in, there are people who are against itㅠ I haven't leveled up yet, so I can't see much informationㅠ I'm from the countryside, so I'm just going to do it, but please tell me the reason why you're against it in detail. My nose is round, so I got a 2.5? silicone nose tip lift, and I got the same diagnosis from a third hospital that they shaved off the beak. I like natural thingsㅜ

Comment 5
ziwonbb 2023-05-02 (화) 12:11 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이뮤우 2023-05-02 (화) 15:39 1 Years ago Address
나 ㅇㄴㅂ 랑 ㅊㄷㅊ 상담 가봤는데 ㅋㅋ 나도 ㅇㄴㅂ 후기에서 사후관리? 그런 거 좀 제대러 안되는 거 같아서 예약금 걸었다가 취소했었어ㅡ 코수술 좀 더 여러곳 발품 팔고 신중히 결정하는 게 좋지 않을까? ㅜㅜ
팅팅탱탱후후 2023-05-03 (수) 23:46 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㄴㅂ 차원장님 맞지? 예약금 걸고 취소하면 100퍼 환불이야?
이뮤우 2023-05-04 (목) 03:18 1 Years ago Address
예약금으로 수술금액의 10프로 냈는데 ㅡ 백프로 환불 받았엉 ㅋㅋ 혹시 모르니까 예약금 걸고 비용 명함같은 거에 적어줄 때 환불 100프로 적어달라해 ㅋㅋ
하키주장 2023-05-03 (수) 11:45 1 Years ago Address
수술이 잘되는게 우선이지..
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