Since I have a snub nose and a short nose, I went to counseling with the most important focus on improving my snub nose! I went to 4 places, and reserved one for next week. It's my first nose surgery and I think it's difficult to choose a hospital with more caution because I have the mindset of never having to have a repeat surgery. 1
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2) ㅌㅋ ㄹㅅ
3) ㅁㄷㅇ 4
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5) ㅇㅂㅈ (scheduled)
I went here like this, but my nose is short so I can't use it. Since the available nasal septum is small, most people recommend using the donor rib together. I'm worried about the side effects of absorbing the donor rib, but I saw on YouTube that Director Lee Gyeong-mook doesn't skimp on the donor rib and uses a lot of it to provide strong support. I haven't consulted yet, but I have faith in it.