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ㅂ/ ㄴㄴ Double Hands Foot Product Review

knuo123 2023-04-01 (토) 20:46 1 Years ago 1193
Review of Shinnonhyeon consultation!!! 1. ㅂ  incision/ low height, in-out/ epicanthoplasty/ eye correction required (forehead lift_scarring may occur due to hairline)  - Even if the eyes are sunken or the eyebrows are sagging; It's not a fat removal issue, it's just the skin itself becoming thick  - the lines aren't that pretty,,,, are my eyes? I had this thought - Price: 187 (incision, eye correction) / 170 if contacted by next week 2. No incision/in-out/eye correction required (no need if in-out for incision) Forehead lift is a habit of eyebrows after eye correction. Since it can change, you can do it again then. - The line was okay - Price) 257 (incision, eye correction)/174.9 (conditions for providing reviews, photos, and videos) 10 due to mandatory reservation fee (full refund possible)

Comment 3
농농망 2023-04-01 (토) 21:09 1 Years ago Address
눈 재수술 고민하고 있는데 정보공유 감사합니다~
웅안 2023-04-04 (화) 02:10 1 Years ago Address
안졸려요 2023-04-10 (월) 21:02 1 Years ago Address
좋은 정보 감사해여
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