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ㅇㅁㄷ product review

욜로최 2023-03-19 (일) 00:21 1 Years ago 1377
Consultation was conducted in the order of director > doctor > director. First, I asked what kind of eyes I wanted to have. When I said I wanted to look like IU's eyes, I was told that I should have double incisions for rear opening, bottom opening, and top opening. They also said they would give me a discount if I left a review of my eye photos on Gangnam Unni's site. The price included all three openings. Exceeded 350

Comment 7
내냥 2023-03-19 (일) 00:53 1 Years ago Address
Why is it so expensive?ㅠ Even with all that, there are many places that don't cost more than 200..
ronni 2023-03-20 (월) 22:24 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
으어어어어아아화이팅 2023-03-22 (수) 20:51 1 Years ago Address
Thank you for the information haha
허헐 2023-03-23 (목) 15:40 1 Years ago Address
여기 비싼거같더라 ㅠ
쌍수원해쿨냥이 2023-04-03 (월) 12:34 1 Years ago Address
혹시 견과류...? 7월까지 예약 꽉 찼다는 거긴가..
Mingzizi 2023-04-06 (목) 10:14 1 Years ago Address
견과류 .. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 여기 근데 예약도 엄청 밀려있는듯 ㅠㅠ
오오아오 2023-05-04 (목) 07:41 1 Years ago Address
상담도 8월이후부터 가능하더라,,
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