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Daejeon SMBK GJ Teacher Review

쑈로롱 2023-02-10 (금) 12:04 1 Years ago 924
The nurses were very kind. The consultation fee was about 23,000 won, which was more expensive than other hospitals. I guess it's because it's ㅅㅁㅂㅇ. I paid and went in, and when the doctor asked why I came, I said I came for double eyelid surgery. She didn't take off the mask and just looked at my eyes. She said I didn't have to take it off, but it was a pity. She said that I have thick skin so she only recommends inline surgery. I open my eyes with my forehead, but she said not to do forehead augmentation now but to think about it when I get older. Since it was my first consultation, I don't know much, but if I don't ask questions, she doesn't say anything, so she asked me this and that. If you're going to come here, I think it would be good to make a questionnaire!
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뻔콩이 2023-03-02 (목) 16:13 1 Years ago Address
모나밈 2023-04-01 (토) 14:04 1 Years ago Address
넘 고마워 정보 없어서 찾는중이었능데 도움마니됐어 ㅠ성공하길!
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