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slit in the back

cherishoka… 2022-06-19 (일) 12:51 2 Years ago 391
We are selling products that do the job well enough for small eyes! Im looking for a place that focuses on the incision method. I liked the before and after pictures of the surgery, or liked the reviews of famous YouTubers. They say that the slits in the back will only add to the fat over time ㅠㅠ But I still want to open them up because I think the space around the eyes is wide. None of the people around me had a slit in the back, so I found it among hospitals that keep promoting it a lot ㅠㅠ Im looking for it hard! ㅅ ㅅ : It looks natural, but Im worried that it wont work over time ㄹ ㄹ : There is a dramatic change, but Im worried about it going bad ㄱ ㄹ : Reviews of famous YouTubers are good, but they promote too much on YouTube ㅇ ㅇ ㅇ : I like the before and after pictures

Comment 3
룬희삐 2022-06-21 (화) 17:05 2 Years ago Address
Where are you?
나나요나 2022-06-22 (수) 21:52 2 Years ago Address
오 병원리스트 다 트임 유명한 병원이네용
조이야 2022-06-24 (금) 10:00 2 Years ago Address
진짜 꼬막눈은 트임해도 다시 붙거나 아님 효과 없을까봐 진짜 고민 많이 되고 인플루언서 홍보 많은데는 넘 거부감 들어
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