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Busan Rhinoplasty Footprint Review

Popky 2023-03-02 (목) 17:44 1 Years ago 708
Hospital A - Silicone for the bridge of the nose, ear cartilage at the tip of the nose, osteotomy - The director and director are friendly, there is a bit of waiting time, there is no consultation fee, silicone is recommended for the bridge of the nose, dermal treatment is possible, but silicone is recommended as it may become bumpy - around 3 million won Hospital B - Only the bridge and tip of the nose - there were a lot of people, there was a bit of waiting time, they didn't force you to make a reservation, but they did recommend it, and both the director and the manager were very kind. They said I wanted to do it without an implant, and they said it was possible to use the nose tip and artificial dermis. Let's do it - Hospital C , in the low 3 million won range - Decided on the bridge of the nose, the tip of the nose, and the bridge of the nose after the tip of the nose - There were the most people who came with tape attached haha, the director is kind, the manager is very kind, if the director doesn't put silicone on the bridge of the nose, you can He said it would be better not to have surgery - I don't remember the price... ㅠㅠ D Hospital - Silicone bridge of the nose, ear cartilage at the tip of the nose - There were quite a few people, the director and director were kind, I was a little late so I almost didn't see the director, but fortunately I saw him for a moment before starting the procedure. The referee looked busy, but he was good at answering questions - E Hospital in the low 3 million won range - Bridge of nose, tip of the nose - The director was kind, and the other staff members were... um... I'll spare you a word... hehe, and looked at what kind of silicone to use by touching it to the bridge of my nose. , A lot of people ask for my opinion - I don't remember the price.. Recommendation ranking: D->C->A->B=E
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Comment 6
하하030 2023-03-02 (목) 19:03 1 Years ago Address
후기 감사합니다
폴로맘 2023-03-03 (금) 16:45 1 Years ago Address
와우 5군데나..참고할게용
규리니더어어 2023-03-18 (토) 20:32 1 Years ago Address
저도 5군데 돌았는데 딱 꽃히는곳이 없어요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
케캐로 2023-03-22 (수) 20:34 1 Years ago Address
발품 후기 감사합니다!
코를모시고사네아주 2023-10-05 (목) 21:47 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
LrOo 2024-06-15 (토) 20:26 2 Months ago Address
혹시 어떤 병원인지 알려줄 수 있을까??
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