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All famous breast places in Busan have been visited

여우깅 2023-02-07 (화) 19:35 1 Years ago 970
We have selected a list of famous places based on recommendations from acquaintances and places we have actually heard of, not through apps. We have reviewed the two places where we were most satisfied with the consultation. Hospital name: Renovo W Clinic Consultant: Joo-won Yoon Consultation fee: Free Consultation details: The director is very kind and takes the time to provide detailed consultation even when we ask very detailed questions. It was a consultation that made me confident that even if my surgery went wrong, you could trust me until the end. The hospital's main surgical methods are areola incision and bottom line incision, and the most commonly used implants are Mentor, Sevin, and Motiva (not sure). The filling rate used is 90-100, all options are available. The surgical method is available for both dual-plane and subfascial surgery. It had a price advantage compared to other hospitals. Hospital name: UK Plastic Surgery Clinic. Consultant: Park Sang-wook. Consultation fee: Free. Consultation details : Likewise , the director. This hospital provided friendly consultation and had a price advantage compared to other hospitals. The hospital's main surgical methods are armpit incision and bottom line incision, and the most commonly used implants are Mentor and Motiva. Do you recommend the dual plane surgical method? If you want to know the list I made by selling handmade items, please leave a comment. I went to 5 of the 6 places for consultation myself!
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Comment 16
Joanne1 2023-02-08 (수) 04:04 1 Years ago Address
나 부산 가슴수술 잘하는곳 찾고있어요!!!
아직 등업이 안되서 비밀글은 못읽어요!!!
정보공유좀 해줄수있을까요???
여우깅 Writer 2023-02-08 (수) 07:30 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
여우깅 Writer 2023-02-08 (수) 08:20 1 Years ago Address
아̊̈ 비밀글 못읽는다 하셨죠 ㅠㅠ 쪽지 보냈어용!
복순임 2023-02-09 (목) 15:11 1 Years ago Address
지에스도 가슴만 하는거 같던데요 거긴 어떤가요?
여우깅 Writer 2023-02-09 (목) 15:54 1 Years ago Address
지세스 아닌가요??
지세스 어플에서 들어는 본거같은데 저는 상담 안가봤습니다!
우아한미미 2023-02-09 (목) 15:52 1 Years ago Address
나도 경남사는데 수술은 서울가서 해야하는 이유가 있엉.. 웬만하면 서울가서해!! 3년전에 벨라젤 스무스 299줬어 모양엄청예쁘게 잡힘
여우깅 Writer 2023-02-09 (목) 15:55 1 Years ago Address
우옹 나는 이미 부산에서 수술 했지 ㅎㅎㅎ가격도 그렇고 잘했네!!
우아한미미 2023-02-09 (목) 15:56 1 Years ago Address
앗 잘하구왔오?? 컨디션 괜차나??
p43650058 2023-02-10 (금) 16:14 1 Years ago Address
수술했어? 후기 궁금해
믹명 2023-03-21 (화) 11:35 1 Years ago Address
오 나도 알려주라!!!ㅠㅠㅠ
수염채 2023-03-25 (토) 22:35 1 Years ago Address
나도 정보좀주라….수술후기도 부탁해
rldkwk 2023-05-18 (목) 09:37 1 Years ago Address
유바도 유명해!
밈미미무미 2023-06-25 (일) 13:32 1 Years ago Address
정보 공유 부탁드려요 !!
하입뽀 2023-06-26 (월) 18:53 1 Years ago Address
여우깅님 지금은 수술 하셨을까요?
또또미 2023-07-16 (일) 13:36 1 Years ago Address
저두 정보공유 부탁드려요ㅠ
요니A 2024-07-22 (월) 10:21 2 Months ago Address
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