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Review of nose surgery

고구마잔치 2023-02-01 (수) 20:28 1 Years ago 1142
Since it was my first nose surgery, I mainly looked at private hospitals. Nose (+ concerns about eyes) 1. It was my first time having a consultation for surgery, and the director gave me very kind advice. 2. ㅂㄴㄴ I heard that if the nasal septum is insufficient, a donor rib is used, so I passed. When I had a CT scan at another hospital, everyone said my nasal septum was small, so I thought they would use a donated rib. +110 if you use Donation Wolf 3. The director seemed like a really fun school teacher, so the consultation was very friendly and fun, but the director seemed to be busy because there were a lot of customers waiting, so it felt like he was trying to send it off quickly.

Comment 12
뿌꼬빵 2023-02-01 (수) 20:58 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅂㄹ I’m curious about the quote ㅜ Can you tell me??
고구마잔치 Writer 2023-02-01 (수) 21:25 1 Years ago Address
쪽지로 보냈어!
샤샤샤이 2023-02-01 (수) 23:06 1 Years ago Address
혹시 초성들 이름 먼가용
고구마잔치 Writer 2023-02-04 (토) 09:59 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
코카콜랑 2023-02-02 (목) 08:59 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
고구마잔치 Writer 2023-02-04 (토) 10:02 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
이제부텅 2023-02-02 (목) 23:07 1 Years ago Address
초성 궁금해용!
고구마잔치 Writer 2023-02-04 (토) 10:02 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
냥파카 2023-02-03 (금) 12:41 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅂㄹ 견적 공유 가능할까?
고구마잔치 Writer 2023-02-04 (토) 09:59 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
햄툐리냥냥 2023-02-09 (목) 08:33 1 Years ago Address
초성 궁금해 견적이랑 ㅠㅠ 부탁해
나야나야모모 2023-03-06 (월) 23:42 1 Years ago Address
혹시 어디서 하기로 했어 ?? 나도 오늘 ㄹㄹㅏㅏ 랑 ㅂㄴㄴ 다녀오긴 했는데 ㅠㅠ
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