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Review of nose surgery

모루카 2023-01-18 (수) 20:58 1 Years ago 1177
ㅅㅇㅋ : I feel like the director is talking about it as a way to make money. He               keeps inserting other plastic surgery additionally. I'm embarrassed to recommend it, too . You talk like...             Not only cosmetically, but also functionally, you talk about problems, and I like it because it's natural and it doesn't seem to have any side effects, but it's             a bit pricey.

Comment 8
멀리날아 2023-01-19 (목) 14:06 1 Years ago Address
Is this right? I wonder if there is a consultation fee or ct scan!
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
모루카 Writer 2023-01-20 (금) 20:52 1 Years ago Address
가물가물한데 상담비 만원이였구요 ct촬영 없었는데 의사선생님이 면봉으로 이리저리 코 만져보긴 하세요
mnro 2023-01-20 (금) 01:29 1 Years ago Address
ㅅㅇㅋ 서울퀸 맞나요..?거기서 수술 고민중인데..
신중한선택 2023-01-20 (금) 05:56 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
후니나우1 2023-03-19 (일) 04:00 1 Years ago Address
저  수술 서울퀸 생각하고있는데  비밀글좀 알려주세요?
모루카 Writer 2023-01-20 (금) 20:52 1 Years ago Address
저도 비추
zxoxix 2023-02-19 (일) 02:40 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㄴㅁㄷ 비싸요 진짜 ㅠㅠ
후니나우1 2023-03-19 (일) 03:59 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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