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ㅅㅍㄴ Counseling

씨12발그놈의프리미… 2023-01-07 (토) 02:42 1 Years ago 979
In the end, I decided on this hospital, but I was hoping for a direction that would only make my eyes bigger because of my perfect match. As expected, it was impossible for it to happen the way I imagined, and I decided to make it look like they were truly peerless to some extent. hmm… Everyone was friendly (the doctor was friendly), but honestly, I had some bad memories from other hospitals... It was beyond my expectations Actually, this is my first time getting plastic surgery, so I don't really believe it, and I'm still scared that I'll mess up... Since I don't have money, I just agreed to several events and settled for 220 (original LAN 250). It's my first time writing and I don't know how to leave a review. People who want to share reviews of peerless eye correction or plastic surgery clinics, please comment... It's really hard to get a higher grade.

Comment 12
Ahabb 2023-01-07 (토) 12:54 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
씨12발그놈의프리미… Writer 2023-01-07 (토) 12:58 1 Years ago Address
웅 맞아
요오오룽 2023-01-09 (월) 19:17 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
깨름찎… 2023-02-08 (수) 16:14 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
씨12발그놈의프리미… Writer 2023-02-09 (목) 17:40 1 Years ago Address
쏘리ㅠ 나 1월 16일에 수술했엉
깨름찎… 2023-02-09 (목) 18:24 1 Years ago Address
헐 어디서했어?
개미누 2023-02-09 (목) 09:29 1 Years ago Address
저도 눈매교정+절개무쌍 하려고 하는데 만족하시나요??  ㅜㅜ 남자입미다!
씨12발그놈의프리미… Writer 2023-02-09 (목) 17:43 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
lastgasp 2024-02-15 (목) 10:55 9 Months ago Address
여기서 수술하신건가요? 저는 흉터가 심해서 재수술생각중인데 여기 만족하시는지 여쭤봐도 될까요?
두리둘리 2024-07-09 (화) 10:06 4 Months ago Address
재재수술 하려고 알아보는데 나도 쌍꺼풀 없애고 무쌍이나 속쌍으로 하고 싶어서 혹시 수술 후기 좀 들을 수 있을까!?
5어어어어어2 2024-07-11 (목) 15:11 4 Months ago Address
하면 망함
Wokeuplike… 2024-09-11 (수) 02:50 2 Months ago Address
혹시 후기 좀 알려주실 수 있나요??
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