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First step

옹잉징 2022-12-13 (화) 01:15 1 Years ago 758
ㅇㅂㅅ Like other reviews, the consultation manager was really kind and the director didn't push things too hard, which was actually good! But the price was a real plus alpha... My friend from ㅍㄹㅇㅂ went there and it was good, so I got a consultation. But overall, there wasn't anything particularly bad , but what should I say.. It's just the feeling of pursuing something? I'm having a hard time because it doesn't suit me.. My friend who sells hand and foot products said it was okay, so I'm attracted to ㅍㄹㅇㅂ, but I'm having a hard time because it doesn't feel right.. !! ㅜ

Comment 4
장수도마뱀 2022-12-13 (화) 01:27 1 Years ago Address
ㅍㄹㅇㅂ이 추구하는 느낌이 뭐길래 나 곧 밢품가는데 화려한거 안좋ㅇ아하는거야??
옹잉징 Writer 2022-12-13 (화) 01:29 1 Years ago Address
첫코여서 실리콘 좀 부담스럽고 자연스러운거 선호하는데 나한테는 실리콘 쓰고 화려한 스탈 추천해서 ㅜㅜ
장수도마뱀 2022-12-13 (화) 02:48 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅎㅇㅎ..그럼 프라이빗은 안맞을만하지..난 화려한거 좋아해서 프라이빗 상담가는건데 ㅈㅇㅈㅇ가봐 친구가 거기서 했는데 되게 자연스럽게 잘 됨ㅎㅎ
아롤이 2022-12-24 (토) 12:20 1 Years ago Address
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