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Review of Busan Balpum

팍쏭 2022-11-25 (금) 20:30 1 Years ago 478
Hospital Name - ㅇㅎㅅ Plastic Surgery Consultation Details - When I went to the eye surgery hospital, I wanted to consult with the director, but before booking the surgery date, only the director was available for consultation, so I roughly lined up. First of all, it was a pity that I couldn't consult with the director before the surgery, and maybe that's why I wasn't sure . Name of hospital - ㅇㅇㅅㄹ Plastic Surgery Consultation Content - Eyes This is a place where you can consult with the director if the time is right. He caught it and recommended it as a burial. Above all, the price was 50, so it was very cheap. It doesn't seem too bad here either.

Comment 5
츄르리라리 2022-11-26 (토) 00:31 1 Years ago Address
부산에서는 거의 실장님상담아니야?
둘다 별론거같은데 좀더 찾아봐..
hunki321 2022-11-26 (토) 19:38 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅎㅅ에서 했는데 상담 과정이 어떗는지 기억이 안나네
난 ㅇㅎㅅ에서 하고 만족중
발품중 2022-11-27 (일) 23:44 1 Years ago Address
고오옹so 2022-11-28 (월) 16:03 1 Years ago Address
실장 상담이 많다고 하네  난 원장이랑 이야기하고싶은데 
아직도 상담병원 고민중
과쪽이 2022-11-30 (수) 11:55 1 Years ago Address
헉 상담예약 전에 원장님이랑 꼭 맞는 시간대 찾아서 상담해야겠네요!!
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