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Review of re-opening after restoration

appleeee 2022-11-12 (토) 09:49 1 Years ago 1073
Gangnam Station location: I received consultation from two people who are famous for eye plastic surgery. There were a lot of customers, and the doctors were honest and would not recommend surgery if they judged it not to be necessary. Director JG said that he does not recommend retightening because the restored state is not soft but like hard flesh like cardboard, and even said that if it were his family, he would not touch anything. The director of ㅅㅅㅇ can also do a retightening, but he does not recommend it. I asked him if he could decide the extent or shape of the retightening, but he said no. Located at Seolleung Station. ㄷㅅㅇ: First of all, I was the only one waiting, so it was a bit difficult since I had just visited ㅅㅅㄹ. It was compared. Even while waiting for the director's consultation, the counter was receiving complaints. The consultation itself is conducted directly by the director and lasts 30 minutes? You did it in enough detail. However, he kept emphasizing the ‘unrivaled technology’ that only he had, but this took a while. As it is a unique technology, I think there is only one person using that surgical method, the sample size is small, and the verification is low. The staff was friendly and the director explained my needs well, but I was not sure whether that kindness would be proportional to the results of the surgery.
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Comment 4
금상동호랭이 2022-11-12 (토) 20:26 1 Years ago Address
후기 잘보고 병원 골라야겠다
후이도리도리 2022-11-13 (일) 18:49 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㄴㅂㅈ 2022-11-17 (목) 04:10 1 Years ago Address
ㄷㅅㅇ 은 가격이 비싸고  후기도 극과극이라서 수술이 망설여져요. 사진보면 이미지가 확 바뀌어서 도전(?)해보고 싶은데.. ㅠ 아직 결정하신 건 아니신건가요? 좋은 결과 있기 바랍니다~
막수기원 2024-04-10 (수) 16:37 2 Months ago Address
혹시 재트임 했어?
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