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Fitting Clinic Paljiheop Review

맹꽁스 2024-07-17 (수) 16:01 4 Months ago 902
Fitting Director Kim Yun-seok It was a year ago, but it was my first liposuction consultation. When I said it was my first liposuction consultation, he told me not to worry and to look around several places. I was a bit nervous because it was my first consultation, but the director smiled and made me feel comfortable . After that, I was also comfortable during the consultation with the director. He said that there would be some effect and that compression garments were essential because of the fat. He said that he was proud of the hospital's aftercare. I went around and got my arms done near my house, but now that I'm thinking about my stomach, it's a place I want to go again ㅠ

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무쉬기 2024-11-15 (금) 22:08 19 Days ago Address
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