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<Director of DSH Surgery, Mr. OJJ Motiva Decision>

강남녀자 2024-08-12 (월) 15:45 3 Months ago 780

Specs: 158/36, 75aaa                                                                I always had a complex about my breasts and came up here from the countryside holding my mother's hand! The hospital I wanted the most was DSH Surgery (it had a lot of reviews and seemed trustworthy?) and I had a consultation there. The director was very kind and the doctor gave me a very detailed and long consultation. He explained everything to my daughter and I, who didn't know anything, for almost an hour and was very professional. I decided to just schedule the surgery day :) Safety was the top priority and since I was having the surgery for a bit of reconstructive? purpose, I said I absolutely did not want large implants. The final decision was Motiva Mini 205, Demi 265! I think the doctor said that asymmetry was the most severe problem for me, so adjusting that was important.

Comment 1
소미뿌 2024-08-12 (월) 17:00 3 Months ago Address
자산 없는쪽에 상대적으로 더 큰 cc가 들어가나보네요 비댓으로 가격 정보 알수 있을까요 수술 잘 받고오세요...
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