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ㄸㅋ, ㅇㅇㅋ Eye consultation

S28895 2024-05-09 (목) 12:21 1 Months ago 1169
4 years ago, my natural adhesions broke down, so I worked hard and went to 6 places, but the one I liked was Thank You and IQ! After much deliberation with Thank You CEO Kim Hyeong-seok and IQ Choi Min-seok... I chose Director Kim , who even said that existing actual things are important, so I chose Director Kim, who even did that... I guess I did the right thing, right?? If you have any reputation or experience that you have heard of, please let me know at least in the comments. It's a matter of life. I can't even sleep because I'm worried.
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Comment 6
zxcv000813 2024-05-10 (금) 07:47 1 Months ago Address
That's right, they said it was better to do it over the existing thread, so I also had Dr. Ahaha remove the existing thread and have another surgery with burial.
안냐세야 2024-05-12 (일) 07:09 1 Months ago Address
If you retake the exam, doesn't that mean you have to remove all the existing threads...?
S28895 Writer 2024-05-13 (월) 01:40 1 Months ago Address
They say they don’t give you IQ.
제로79 2024-05-13 (월) 11:13 1 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
밈쥼 2024-05-29 (수) 07:35 1 Months ago Address
나 상담한곳들 다 기존꺼 냅둔다던뎅???
밈쥼 2024-05-30 (목) 07:34 1 Months ago Address
ㄸㅋ 어제 갓는데 진짜 거기만 기존꺼 없앤다고 상담해주심 ㅋㅋㅋ 대신 비용 꽤추가됨 그거때문에
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