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Period Clinic consultation review

컷트 2024-05-20 (월) 02:26 1 Months ago 627
I went to see the director on YouTube, and he only gave his opinions on incisions and non-incisions and recommended them as conservatively as possible. There is absolutely nothing here where the counseling staff pushes things you don't know anything about. They only tell you what you need. The price is average. There is one director himself, and all the reviews on the procedures seem to be good. Think I'll do it

Comment 7
종뵹뱅뵹 2024-05-20 (월) 02:41 1 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
나의라임오지는오렌지… 2024-05-20 (월) 05:18 1 Months ago Address
오 정말? 나도 여기서 할까 고민중인데
뽁아링 2024-05-20 (월) 10:14 1 Months ago Address
여기 상담 대기 길지 않아? 가장 빠른 상담이 8월이라는데 ㅜㅠ
수리님 2024-05-27 (월) 13:32 1 Months ago Address
나도 리스트에 여기 넣었는데~ 유투브 보고 확신이 들었음 ㅋㅋㅋ
러키비키 2024-05-30 (목) 22:35 1 Months ago Address
여기 나도 고민 중인데ㅠㅠㅠ 딱 안정적인 느낌이라 좋은데 넘 보수적인 것 같아서ㅜ
개냥냥 2024-06-09 (일) 21:22 25 Days ago Address
나도 여기서 할려하는데 상담 대기가 너무 길어ㅜ
니베아1 2024-06-20 (목) 12:28 14 Days ago Address
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