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Forehead filler 2nd session review

도라가자아 2019-06-01 (토) 00:33 5 Years ago 694
After some time had passed after my first forehead filler in 2016, I started to see the missing part, so I got it again this time. Because the area of ​​the forehead filler is large, the pain seems to be a bit greater than that of other areas. Even after receiving it twice, I can't get used to the pain... Still, this is the part that gets the most dramatic change when hit. After getting hit this time, it feels like the area above my eyebrows (the part where the muscles are said to be used the most) has gone out right away, probably because the molding was wrong. It is a time when you are wondering whether you should retouch or remove everything and do it again... Are there any people who had forehead filler removed? I wonder how much it will roughly cost... hmm ㅜㅜ I heard that removing the swelling is not easy, so I'm worried

Comment 4
효호훃 2019-06-03 (월) 10:57 5 Years ago Address
혹시 붓기 어떠세요? 저 너무 심각하네요 오늘 2일차인데ㅜ...ㅣ
뚠똔 2019-06-03 (월) 16:18 5 Years ago Address
저는 리터치 강추!! 하면 이쁜건 사실 ㅠ 통증과 붓기는 감당이 안되지만 ㅠ 저는 2년이 지낫는데 아직 다 안빠졋거든요
근데 가운데가 울퉁불퉁 꺼지기 시작하니 다시 맞을껀데 진심 두려워요 ㅠ수면마취 하고파
치즈빙수 2019-06-03 (월) 20:40 5 Years ago Address
리터치가 나을거같아요 또 다빼고나면
후회할거같아서요ㅠ이마는 확실히 한게이뻐요
루시아10 2019-07-12 (금) 22:48 5 Years ago Address
이마는 한번하면 꺼지는게 티가 많이 나는 부위인거 같아서 애초 하기가 엄청 망설여지는거 같아요ㅠㅠ
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