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Contour Injection Review

프링글스피자맛 2019-02-22 (금) 00:23 5 Years ago 461
명동리본클리닉(구 명동 톡스앤필)
I used to have a lot of facial cheek fat, especially on the sides of my mouth, so I didn't want to look like a bulldog when I smiled, and I didn't like my deep cheeks because they looked unimpressive... So I got contour injections, and I was satisfied with the results. My face became neater and my face looked smaller. Since my face looked smaller, my eyes, nose, and facial features came to life! My smile became prettier and I gained confidence. People around me told me that I had lost weight and that I looked prettier, so I felt good. In my case, the effect took 2 to 3 days after receiving the injection. I felt it from around that time. It may have been a placebo effect, but that's how I felt.. However, the redness went away for about a week, and I had my period for a month the month I got the injection. Damn, it lasted 3-4 months? I think it went about 3 times, and the first time was effective, but the last third time wasn't very effective (ㅠ) I think it was because they shortened the area by one area. The first two times, I got three shots on my cheeks and double chin, and the third time, I only got a shot on my cheeks and chin. It was about half a year ago that I got it, and since the last time wasn't very effective, I still don't feel like I want to get it again, so I haven't gone since. But I haven't gotten it for a long time, and when the effect comes back, I feel like my face is sagging more than it used to...? It could be due to my mood or aging, but it's so unpleasant that I don't want to get steroid contouring injections anymore... At the hospital I went to, the doctor, the director, and the receptionist were all a bit unfriendly and harsh... so I don't really recommend it. No. It 's a factory-type hospital anyway, so I think the effect will be similar if you go somewhere else. It's been a while since I've been there, so I don't remember the exact amount, but 120,000? I think it was around (uncertain)

Comment 6
니니야놀자 2019-02-22 (금) 12:29 5 Years ago Address
Is it 120,000 won per session? Is it the first time every 3-4 months?
FFGG 2019-02-28 (목) 02:19 5 Years ago Address
뫄마마 2019-03-04 (월) 23:14 5 Years ago Address
별로 윤곽주사는 효과없는듯요 ㅠㅠ
테일러힐 2019-03-23 (토) 00:55 5 Years ago Address
맞아요 ㅜㅜ효과는좋은데 살성탄력이
뭔가 떨어져요..지방이빠져서그런가봐요
huuii 2019-03-25 (월) 03:06 5 Years ago Address
윤곽 주사 효과없더라구여ㅜ 3회차까지 맞다가 너무 효과안보여서 4회차 그냥 안갔어유
knuch 2024-04-10 (수) 09:04 5 Months ago Address
윤곽주사만 하는건 별로구나ㅠ
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