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Filler dissolving injection

물렁이 2019-02-21 (목) 23:42 5 Years ago 1460
I was worried about the nasolabial folds, so I got a filler and turned into a monkey. So I was very depressed, so I melted the filler. Fortunately, it is a hyaluronic acid type, so the filler was recorded with hyalase. .I got a filler injection and I got a V -line

Comment 7
성형원츄임 2019-02-27 (수) 11:15 5 Years ago Address
Wow... these dog tips...! I should be right too. On the chin. Thank you.
FFGG 2019-02-28 (목) 02:19 5 Years ago Address
테일러힐 2019-03-23 (토) 00:56 5 Years ago Address
Huh, I want to take it out, but for me, this is a surprisingly good tip. Add it and melt it..
희망을주세요 2019-04-27 (토) 14:21 5 Years ago Address
Do you have any side effects?
세이지니 2019-05-14 (화) 22:06 5 Years ago Address
I got hyalase to melt under the eyes, but the volume turned off, so I was very depressed. Hospitals say that hyalase has no effect on normal tissues, but that's really bullshit.. It's a substance often used in contour injection recipes ㅠㅠ
얄리얄리얄라숑93 2022-10-11 (화) 12:40 1 Years ago Address
Isn't that hyalaze mixed with steroids? If you do not use steroids and dilute in saline at an appropriate concentration, there will be no defeat.
김광대 2019-06-05 (수) 21:47 5 Years ago Address
be careful
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