Secret Laser is effective for tight pores, inflammatory acne, and acne!
I first got it a year ago at a dermatologist at a national chain store and did it 5 times. They
said that the 1st and 2nd treatments could cause skin problems due to stimulation of the sebaceous glands, but
at that time, my cheeks, forehead, and chin were filled with millet and purulent growths, so there wasn't much of a difference.
After the 3rd treatment, I got it. The level of breakouts has definitely improved haha.
When I put on makeup, it wasn't that my pores were clearly visible and I was concerned about my bare face..? It was
about 5 to 6 times out of 10. Based on 5 times haha.
Even dermatologists recommend at least 3 times.. Secret laser pain... is common!
With each beep, 5 to 6 needles are hooked into the skin! It feels like it's
pricking and falling out.. haha The hospital requires a 4-week period, so I got it 5 times, and at least 5 gal. I put it off, so
I got 5 times over 7-8 months.
It's not just one or two pimples, but it keeps coming up on my forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks, so I'm stressed. It was effective for me!