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Petit/Laser job

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[Trouble Improvement]

I think it’s a good idea to get an inflammatory injection as soon as acne appears.

yekiki 2024-02-26 (월) 22:49 4 Months ago 565
If you get a pimple, the best thing to do is to go right away and get an inflammatory injection... If you leave it alone or try to touch it, you end up with a scar . If I had known this sooner, I would have gone to a dermatologist sooner... Since the inflammatory injection is a simple one, I don't think it's okay to just go anywhere .. I don't think there's any need to go anywhere

Comment 9
제이이이 2024-02-27 (화) 22:40 4 Months ago Address
Oh, I guess going to the dermatologist is the answer..!
Ouoouo123 2024-03-03 (일) 19:43 3 Months ago Address
That's right, but if you hit it wrong, you'll get a dent, so I still recommend choosing the right one..! sob
소소금 2024-03-21 (목) 13:40 3 Months ago Address
But it hurts so much that I’m scared to go haha.
퀸카큉카 2024-03-27 (수) 22:44 3 Months ago Address
In the first place, acne itself is caused by increased sebum secretion, so if you regularly manage waste and remove sebum, it will be less likely to occur. These days, the Galvanic new model has a sebum removal function, so if you use it regularly, the sebum goes away and the clogged pores become more unclogged, so it seems like you're using cosmetics better. You don't need anything too expensive, and Liliheal seems to be good value for money, so I definitely recommend it.
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알뚜뚜 2024-04-10 (수) 01:17 2 Months ago Address
I got an inflammation shot and got a dent! I think it's best to keep a pharmacy product on hand and soothe it with ointment rather than an inflammatory injection!! It's an invisible spot under the chin, but if you have a clam chin, it's the spot where the skin rises and you can see it, right? If it's just there, it's a white scar, like a small mark, and if you have a clam chin, it's a dent!! Deeper than seashell wrinkles!! I'm really worried ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Be careful of the inflammatory injection!! Once you get one bottle, you can never go back.
융키통키 2024-05-19 (일) 12:56 1 Months ago Address
혹시 연고 어떤거 쓰는지 알려줄 수 있으까??
알뚜뚜 2024-05-20 (월) 11:44 1 Months ago Address
나는 이것저것 다 써봤는데 요즘은 아젤리아 하나로 정착중! 어떤 유형 여드름이던지 효과 좋고 색소침착도 효과가 있어서 여드름 날 것 같을때부터 자국 남은거 제거할때도 아젤리아만 써!!! 낮에도 써도 되는거라 꿀이야! 대신 요즘 약국에서 구하기 힘들고 약간의 자극감이 있을 수 있다는것만 빼면 완전 강추
융키통키 2024-05-20 (월) 13:52 1 Months ago Address
알려줘서 고마워 예사야!! 아젤리아 한번 찾아봐야겟다ㅜㅜ 나 내가 건들이고 짜서 색소침착 덩어리거든 ㅎㅎ..
우리33 2024-06-11 (화) 10:25 21 Days ago Address
염증주사 아프긴한데 효과는 좋은거같아!!
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