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Petit/Laser job

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Review of 5 sessions of armpit + philtrum laser hair removal

쀼하 2024-02-13 (화) 23:20 9 Months ago 662
아비쥬의원 신천점
25000 만원
I was looking into laser hair removal for my armpits and ended up doing the same thing! I don't recommend it for the philtrum area because it doesn't seem to be very effective, but the armpit area is really good, so I paid for an additional 5 sessions because 5 sessions wasn't enough! I think about half of it hasn't healed anymore and there's still some left.

Comment 3
아니미 2024-02-25 (일) 21:48 9 Months ago Address
Which hair removal device is best!?
쀼하 Writer 2024-03-10 (일) 22:57 8 Months ago Address
When I searched, it seemed like there were usually a lot of apogees, but I'm not really sure! sorry
밤밤바라 2024-03-10 (일) 22:56 8 Months ago Address
Laser hair removal is great. It's good to not have hair, but it's also nice to have thin hair.
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