<입술 라인은 예뻤는데 되게 얇았음 ><밑 입술이 도톰했음 좋겠었는데 원하는대로 딱 해주셔서 너무 좋아씀!>Not recently, but when I was 21, I got my first lip filler from Dr. Donghee Jeong at the Moon Clinic, and I was very satisfied with the results because they were done so naturally and beautifully! Originally, my lips were very thin, but my lips became very thick, and the lower lip looked shorter, which was great. Now, they have opened a separate hospital and practice there, and it is very popular, perhaps because of its huge location... !
Last year, I wanted to get fillers, so I called to make a reservation, but I was shocked to hear that reservations for 23 were closed...