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Petit/Laser job

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Freckle review.-Laser.^^ (I’m posting this because it occurred to me.)

곤이~ 2005-03-09 (수) 14:37 19 Years ago 2973
I'm posting this because I don't think I've written about the freckle treatment... ^^ First of all, before going into the procedure... they applied an anesthetic ointment to the area with freckles on my face... Then I lay down for about 30 to 40 minutes... ^^ The doctor was called right away. I went there and closed my eyes... It was great up to this point... but it was noisy like a dentist's office. ㅡㅡ; Well, I applied anesthetic ointment, but it stung so bad. To the point where I really wanted to stop. It hurt so much. Then, they removed my mole as a service.. ㅠㅠ They even removed the spots where the anesthetic ointment wasn't applied before. But they removed the mole. It's bearable... (compared to freckles, they're just gum... ㅡㅡ;) But I'm in the process of getting laser treatment for my freckles... The doctor is good at finding the areas where the nurse didn't apply anesthetic ointment... It's really killing me. I thought it was... I'm good at enduring most types of pain... but it really hurt... I guess it was about 15 minutes? That's when the procedure was over... It felt like my face was on fire. ..It was so hot.. I don’t know how many ice packs I used.. ㅡㅡ Well, it only hurt for about 20 minutes, and when I got out of the hospital, it didn’t go away. LOL ^^ But people’s eyes. ㅡㅡ; It was a burden. It was scary.. If I keep going like this.. I'm going to develop complete social phobia...^^ But compared to other surgeries, it won't be as bad..^^

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치즈빙수 2019-07-22 (월) 21:01 5 Years ago Address
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