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Vitamin injection review

다녤 2017-08-24 (목) 19:46 7 Years ago 999
About three years ago, vitamin injections, white jade injections, etc. were very popular. I also received vitamin injections at that time . I think it was good for recovery. The skin color must be innate .

Comment 9
SKAMW 2017-08-24 (목) 22:04 7 Years ago Address
The skin has to burn.
빨강장미 2017-08-25 (금) 07:43 7 Years ago Address
The real skin irritation is temporary, and it seems to be slightly effective in relieving fatigue .
수퍼애플 2017-08-27 (일) 12:53 7 Years ago Address
That's right , the skin doesn't turn white or anything like that, it just feels like something is recovering from fatigue.
윤블리야 2017-08-27 (일) 13:36 7 Years ago Address
That's right, vitamin injections don't seem to have any real effect .
아리곰곰 2017-08-29 (화) 14:28 7 Years ago Address
Even if I'm right, I don't know why.
팩두부 2017-08-30 (수) 15:47 7 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋ저두 첨에만 효과보고 몇번하니까 큰효과는없더라고요
qnffid**** 2017-10-20 (금) 15:56 6 Years ago Address
저도 유행할때 일주일에 한번씩 맞다가 좋은 것같으면서도 크게 느끼지 못하는 이유로 지금은 안맞고 있는데요 병원에서 일하는 친구가 꾸준히 맞았더니 지금은 피부가 좋아지는게 보이더라구요
dfdㄹ 2018-02-08 (목) 23:40 6 Years ago Address
일시적인 효과뿐인거 같아요. ㅎㅎㅎ 그래도 비타민 복용, 주사 하면 혈색 자체는 좋아지니 효과각 없는건 아닌거 같구.... 그냥 피로해서 안색 안좋을때 한번씩 맞는걸로는 추천이용
테일러힐 2019-05-29 (수) 09:20 5 Years ago Address
백옥주사인가맞아보고 싶었는데
역시 하얘지진않나봐요ㅠ연예인들은뭘까요
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