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Fraxel Repair Review

채연00 2017-06-03 (토) 16:49 7 Years ago 1355
I will leave a review of the Fraxel Repair for scars. I received Fraxel Repair because it was said to be good for scars (surgery scars). The scab lasted for about 2 weeks, and I applied something like a regeneration ampoule morning and night. Even after the scab falls off, the coloration continues in the shape of a square tape, and laser toning treatment is repeated to relieve this discoloration. Personally, I received the treatment once and was satisfied with it. I had to do a second procedure in two months, but I didn't have time, so I had the procedure three months later. There is no dramatic effect on the surgical scar, and it is only slightly alleviated.

Comment 14
한걸음두걸음 2017-06-06 (화) 07:35 7 Years ago Address
I had a good review of the procedure.
소이주 2017-06-08 (목) 16:57 7 Years ago Address
When I see a friend around Fraxel, they say that they are suffering so much.. It hurts ㅠㅠ
vely1 2017-06-14 (수) 21:03 7 Years ago Address
I'm trying to get a Fraxel repair for a nasal surgery scar. Did you have a scar like mine!?
채연00 Writer 2017-06-14 (수) 23:16 7 Years ago Address
[@vely1] I had an epicanthoplasty scar.
vely1 2017-06-14 (수) 23:26 7 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
vely1 2017-06-14 (수) 21:03 7 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
채연00 Writer 2017-06-14 (수) 23:16 7 Years ago Address
[@vely1] It was about 40 per episode!
vely1 2017-06-14 (수) 23:25 7 Years ago Address
[@Chaeyeon00] Thank you so much for your reply. Did about 80% of the white scar disappear after the surgery?
채연00 Writer 2017-06-14 (수) 23:42 7 Years ago Address
[@vely1] 아니요... 다시 흉터 치료 찾아보고 있어요..
vely1 2017-06-14 (수) 23:43 7 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
채연00 Writer 2017-06-14 (수) 23:46 7 Years ago Address
[@vely1] 음.... 다운타임이 꽤 길어요
vely1 2017-06-14 (수) 23:50 7 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
황창숙 2018-04-18 (수) 13:55 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
테일러힐 2019-05-18 (토) 18:55 5 Years ago Address
후기잘봤어요 저도앞트임흉터있는데ㅜㅜ
역시 완전히는못지우나봐요
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