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Petit/Laser job

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Laser hair removal review

재유니즘 2023-06-27 (화) 11:08 1 Years ago 681
아비쥬의원 (신천점)
4 만원
500 days
It's a factory type, so there's nothing meticulous about it, but it's cheap, so it's not bad. Instead, it seems that I need to get a few more lasers. I received it 3 times, but it didn't have much effect even though I really don't have hair. It should be done at least 5 times

Comment 11
희지니닝 2023-06-27 (화) 11:15 1 Years ago Address
Originally, laser hair removal was done about 5 times as standard ㅠㅠ Only then did it disappear.
워녕이야 2023-06-27 (화) 13:10 1 Years ago Address
I heard it stings, but is it okay??
김이비 2023-06-27 (화) 14:35 1 Years ago Address
The procedure time is short??? I want to receive it too
쀼뀨까꺄 2023-06-28 (수) 01:26 1 Years ago Address
What laser device did you get? Apogee??
papier 2023-06-29 (목) 17:51 1 Years ago Address
The factory type is definitely less effective.
선녀진 2023-06-29 (목) 21:35 1 Years ago Address
How about laser hair removal? Will the hair really disappear after 5 sessions?
배고픈고양이13 2023-06-30 (금) 09:43 1 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나는 30초컷 나던데 .. 5회에 20만원짜리 패키지
차없는거리 2023-07-04 (화) 21:18 1 Years ago Address
아프지? 레이저 기기 뭘로 받았엉?
맥주먹는사람 2023-07-05 (수) 14:45 1 Years ago Address
레이저 제모 10회씩 안받아본 곳이 없는 사람인데! (털 굵음)
겨드랑이는 5회정도만 받아도 그 다음해에 몇가닥 생기는 정도
종아리+허벅지 10회 받았을 때 정리됨을 느낀 정도였어!
(겨울에 다리보고 이게 정녕 내 다리 맞나 싶을 정도 보통 겨울에는 털관리 안하니까ㅋㅋㅋ)
브라질리언+항문은 10회 해도 원래 털이 많은 곳이라 그런지..효과를 못봤어
예뻐져유 2023-07-05 (수) 15:36 1 Years ago Address
남자야 여자야? 여자도 똥꼬에 털나?
라면조아 2023-07-22 (토) 11:01 1 Years ago Address
혹시 레이저제모 한달 간격으로 받는다치면 그 중간 텀에는 관리 어케해?
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