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Pore management skin botox review

dieeeeeeet 2023-04-24 (월) 23:21 1 Years ago 4059
리앤영클리닉 잠실점
31 만원
20 days
스킨보톡스 전

<스킨보톡스 전>

스킨보톡스 전

<스킨보톡스 전>

스킨보톡스 하구나서 며칠 뒤?

<스킨보톡스 하구나서 며칠 뒤?>

스킨보톡스 하구나서 2주 뒤

<스킨보톡스 하구나서 2주 뒤>

예사가 추가해달란 오늘 사진

<예사가 추가해달란 오늘 사진>

Since the fine dust and ultrafine dust are so severe these days, I have very sensitive skin in the butterfly zone, and I keep wiping and cleansing with a cleansing pad, and the cleansing time is longer than usual, so I have to wear a mask longer, and I wonder why the time spent outside in meetings is getting longer these days. I felt like my pores were getting bigger, so I got skin botox. I usually take good care of my skin, so I do it once or twice a year to check its condition, but they said it would be good to do it once every 3 or 4 months. This is where the sisters are good at using skin botox. It's a place I go to where they tell me that it's the director. Unlike other places, the director makes me make all the facial expressions and designs them, but unlike last time, he said that now I'm starting to get wrinkles around my eyes... It's the first time I've been hit in the area around my eyes.. I'm almost in the original butterfly zone. It was a lump... sad... After skin botox, the emboss appears, but by the evening of that day, it's all gone. The picture was taken a few days later, and the picture below is the most recent one. After doing it properly, the gel in the pores is worth the price. I think it's efficient. I'm scared because of my immune system, so I use Xeomin --------------------------- Yesa asked me to add a photo below, so I took a taxi on the way out. It was taken from
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Comment 43
꾸뀨꾸꾸 2023-04-24 (월) 23:27 1 Years ago Address
Are you very sick?
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-24 (월) 23:34 1 Years ago Address
If you say you're weak against pain, apply anesthetic cream for 40 minutes.
Jiji444 2023-04-25 (화) 03:21 1 Years ago Address
effective really
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-25 (화) 08:11 1 Years ago Address
Woong, it takes care of pores and fine wrinkles, and the gel is cost effective. It's better for thin skin like me!!
또재51 2023-04-25 (화) 09:29 1 Years ago Address
Looking at it like this, the difference between before and after is amazing... Should I get it too hahaha
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-25 (화) 10:45 1 Years ago Address
Accept it when your pores come up just like that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
솜2 2023-04-25 (화) 16:12 1 Years ago Address
Oh, I was curious, but I took a picture!!
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-25 (화) 16:19 1 Years ago Address
Why are you taking a picture of Skin Botox with an app... It's cramped, so I'm uploading it hahahahahaha If it fits well, you can manage your pores like that!
기단기닿다 2023-04-25 (화) 17:22 1 Years ago Address
Oh pompoo on
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-25 (화) 17:27 1 Years ago Address
You're good at it, but if you go, you'll go to the moon
흐흐히 2023-04-26 (수) 16:52 1 Years ago Address
Oh, it looks very different after 2 weeks. Is it just 2 weeks until today? tell me another review later
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-26 (수) 16:52 1 Years ago Address
No, it's been over a week now~ Shall I add a picture? Lulu
대구병원넘적어 2023-04-27 (목) 00:21 1 Years ago Address
Heck please add a picture.. I'm going to meet you next week.. Please leave a review ㅠㅠ
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 07:10 1 Years ago Address
Also, I’m in the blanket right now, so I’ll add it later. It’s too cold to wake up right now hahaha
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 11:45 1 Years ago Address
I added it. This is the picture I took now.
젤로멜로 2023-04-27 (목) 04:30 1 Years ago Address
나는 스킨보톡스 잔주름에 효과 많이 봐서 할 수 있을 때마다 할라구!
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 07:10 1 Years ago Address
맞아 잔주름이랑 난 나비존 모공에 효과 잘 봐!
뭉냥이 2023-04-27 (목) 15:39 1 Years ago Address
헐 혹시 코모공쪽도 효과 봤어??
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 15:42 1 Years ago Address
거긴 안맞았어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 코에 놔준 적도 없고 나도 생각도 못했는걸?!!!! 담에 맞을때 코에도 할수있냐구 물어보께 아니면 아는 예사 있음 답좀 달아주라 나도 궁금하당
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 15:43 1 Years ago Address
난 코엔 그냥 포텐자 해가지구
뭉냥이 2023-04-27 (목) 16:09 1 Years ago Address
앗 그렇구나 나도 아예 몰라서 그냥 물어본거였어ㅎㅎ 답변 고마워!
간절해요진짜 2024-03-26 (화) 17:35 6 Months ago Address
포텐자 효과 어떠셨나요? 효과 좋으셨다면 포텐자 병원이랑 스킨보톡스 병원,의사,비용 정보좀 알려주실수 있을까요?ㅠ
솜니09 2023-04-27 (목) 16:43 1 Years ago Address
나는 모공도 크구ㅜㅜ 홍조도 심해서 쥬베룩이랑 스킨보톡스 고민했었는데, 홍조에는 효과 어때?
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 16:45 1 Years ago Address
홍조랑은 상관없음! 홍조는 다른거 해야해 쥬베룩도 홍조랑 크게 상관없어
솜니09 2023-04-27 (목) 16:55 1 Years ago Address
그랴?ㅜㅜ 고마우이!
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-27 (목) 17:04 1 Years ago Address
모공 크면 포텐자 알아봐봐 포텐자 좋드라~~ 트러블있는 홍조 큰 피부에 포텐자가 짱짱맨인듯 홍조는.... 왜 홍조가 생기는건지 이유를 아는게 젤 중요하긴 해...
동글10 2023-04-28 (금) 03:39 1 Years ago Address
나는 트러블 때문에 나비존에 했엇는데 크게 효과를 못봤었다ㅜㅜ
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-04-28 (금) 08:15 1 Years ago Address
트러블엔 엑소좀 해바
소금빵슈ㄴ 2023-05-13 (토) 14:07 1 Years ago Address
일년에 한두번만 받아도 효과 오래갈까?ㅠㅠ
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-05-13 (토) 16:02 1 Years ago Address
병원에선 4개월에 한번씩 정도로 내 피부엔 얘기하는데 난 1년에 2번 정도씩 해 제오민으로 효과는 평상시에 예사가 관리 어떻게 하냐에 따라서 달려있움
곰주야 2023-06-13 (화) 09:44 1 Years ago Address
엄청 아프다던데.. 나도 모공때문에 하고싶은데 고통일 얼굴에 포를 뜨는거같다고 해서,,, ㅠㅠ
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-07-18 (화) 21:50 1 Years ago Address
어 포 뜨는거 같아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
roti27 2023-07-18 (화) 21:49 1 Years ago Address
혹시 병원 정보 공유 가능할까요??
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-07-18 (화) 21:50 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
roti27 2023-07-18 (화) 22:09 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-07-18 (화) 22:10 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
roti27 2023-07-18 (화) 22:11 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
roti27 2023-07-18 (화) 22:13 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
dieeeeeeet Writer 2023-07-18 (화) 22:14 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
르르륾 2024-03-29 (금) 18:24 5 Months ago Address
혹시  병원 공유 가능할까요??ㅜㅠ
dieeeeeeet Writer 2024-03-29 (금) 18:25 5 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
햄버겅 2024-05-04 (토) 20:04 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
됴리됴리 2024-06-01 (토) 04:05 3 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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