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Pores and acne scars Oriental medicine clinic review

mumuoej 2018-07-25 (수) 01:16 6 Years ago 804
What is the T zone and the butterfly zone? There were severe pores and acne scars in that area, so even if I put on makeup, it looked bumpy after a while, and my skin looked a little messy . It must have looked good. I did a lot of lasers, so my face got sensitive and my skin got thinner because it was stimulated . I received micro herbal acupuncture needles and seaweed peeling at an oriental clinic 3 times at 2-week intervals, but it was a bit overdone and it became like baby skin. Except for the large pores, the pores became almost invisible and the skin tone became brighter. The cost is also laser treatment at a dermatologist. It was cheaper.. It was good because the facial stimulation was less than that of the laser. The oriental clinic I go to now is quite expensive, so I looked for other oriental clinics, but each clinic seemed to have a similar treatment. I visited the hospital and received follow-up care, but I had to visit the oriental clinic 2-3 times a week. So, it was a bit cumbersome and it was inconvenient that I couldn't make up for about 5-6 days, but the effect was really good. For those who have tried the laser but have not had much effect, it would be nice to go to an oriental clinic! If the cost is a bit burdensome , try looking for MTS . The procedure seems to be similar to the one I received at the oriental clinic . Of course, if you do it alone at home, it can go wrong, so if you are anxious, get treatment at an oriental clinic, and I can't afford time, so I 'm just buying a machine at home . Anyway, personally, I really want to recommend it to people who are stressed out because of their pores.

Comment 14
박찬주 2018-07-25 (수) 04:14 6 Years ago Address
저도 mts 1mm짜리 몇번 해봤는데 홈케어는 하고 이틀정도는 집에서 관리해야 좋더라구요 mts는 홈케어로 꾸준히 할 수 있다면 좋은 것 같아요!
mumuoej Writer 2018-07-26 (목) 03:42 6 Years ago Address
[@박찬주]  맞아용ㅋㅋ 근데 꾸준히 하면 좋은데 mts 롤러는 일회용이라ㅠ 은근 비용이 믾이나가서 아예 오토타입으로 구매했어요! 바늘만 바꿔끼면 되니까 더 편하고 비용도 적고 mm도 조정할 수 있구요..! 전 지금 0.5mm로 2주마다 꾸준히 하는데 좋더라구요ㅎㅎ
김아름 2018-07-25 (수) 23:13 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
mumuoej Writer 2018-07-26 (목) 03:38 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
김아름 2018-07-26 (목) 06:04 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
mumuoej Writer 2018-07-26 (목) 06:29 6 Years ago Address
[@김아름] 전 듀얼테라피 했는데 1회에 40인가 줬던것 같아요 한 두달정도 했는데 첫째주는 2일마다 병원가고 둘째주는 쉬고.. 이런식으로 했어용ㅋㅋ 여기 말고 다른 한의원은 1회에 20~30정도 하는것 같더라구요 후한의원이 다른데보다 가격이 비싸여ㅜ.ㅜ
마야카야 2018-07-28 (토) 09:26 6 Years ago Address
한의사이신분이 피부는 피부과가 답이라던대여
mumuoej Writer 2018-07-30 (월) 21:12 6 Years ago Address
[@마야카야]  사람마다 다른가봐요ㅋㅋ 전 피부과에서 치료했을때는 효과를 못봐서ㅠ 요즘은 집에서 혼자 관리하고있어요ㅎ.ㅎ
애슐리비 2018-07-30 (월) 22:03 6 Years ago Address
저도튼살땜에 mts사려는데 사야겠어요
서누누누아 2018-08-02 (목) 15:32 6 Years ago Address
오우오옹 엠티에스 어디서사셧나 여쭤봐도되나요?!
지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-08-04 (토) 17:56 6 Years ago Address
혹시 한의원 어딘지 알 수 있을까요?
구름달123 2018-09-19 (수) 23:59 6 Years ago Address
저도 피부과에 돈 한트럭 갖다바쳐도 효과 못봤는데 한의원을 가봐야겠네요
쀼쥬 2019-03-31 (일) 02:17 5 Years ago Address
편평사마귀가 많은 사람이 Mts를 사용하게 되면 혹시 번질 우려가 있나요??
요앙 2021-09-08 (수) 19:51 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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