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Chin Botox + Deep Cheek Injection + Short Chin Filler

대롱대롱 2017-03-20 (월) 20:40 7 Years ago 2915
Living with a short chin, I was content with being a baby-faced (?) haha, but I always thought that I would like to have a V-line. About two months ago, I got a strong contour injection and my cheeks shrank, but I still couldn't get a V-line . I saw side effects reviews, but as soon as I received my salary, I went to the hospital and was right. During the consultation, I said that I have big muscles, and I doubled it and got 100 units. He said he would do it (originally, he said he came with only a blind chin in mind), and the counselor (he wasn't a doctor) said he would just do deep cheeks as a service haha, so I got it right away . There is no major inconvenience now. If you take a selfie, the effect of the double chin Botox is great. Of course, I got a V-line because I was hit with filler. No matter how I took a selfie, I felt like I had the V-line I wanted and my face got smaller, so I thought it was good that I did it a long time ago . Like 1 week? I came here in 2 weeks. I think it's because I got several shots at once. Oh, I've never had a pimple on my chin yet, and the filler was imported and the botox was domestic.

Comment 6
여유로운삶 2017-03-23 (목) 07:40 7 Years ago Address
I'm glad you saw the effect haha ​​Do you see the effect right away with the short chin??
대롱대롱 Writer 2017-03-23 (목) 22:15 7 Years ago Address
[@여유로운삶] 맞고서 며칠은 그냥 길이가 생겼네 정도였는데 1, 2주 지나면서 옆이 갸름해지니까 확실히 조금더 드라마틱해지네용!
개2뻐 2017-12-13 (수) 01:12 6 Years ago Address
심부볼 효과 어떠신가요?? 어디서 하셨는지 정보 부탁드려요~~
대롱대롱 Writer 2017-12-14 (목) 22:37 6 Years ago Address
[@개2뻐] 심부볼은 지난번에 윤곽주사를 맞았던게 있어서 이후 심부볼 맞고 더 차이가 났는지는 크게 느껴지진 않았어요! 노원 ㅌㅅㅇㅍ에서 했습니다.
새콤달콤a 2018-03-17 (토) 06:13 6 Years ago Address
심부볼 제거 붓기는 얼마나 가셨어요??
테일러힐 2019-05-18 (토) 16:06 5 Years ago Address
어떻게 찍어도 셀카가 잘나온다는게 진짜부럽네요
노원 ㅌㅅㅇㅍ가봐야겠어요
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