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Review of Busan Chin Botox

qkrthal***… 2018-02-09 (금) 22:33 6 Years ago 982
A friend recommended it, so I went and it was a new world. I'm on the skinny side, but I lived thinking that only my face could gain weight. I didn't know it before, but looking at old photos, it looks like a squirrel with an acorn in its mouth .

Comment 4
용기가필요행 2018-02-09 (금) 23:48 6 Years ago Address
That's right, if you do Botox , it has the effect of making your face strangely prettier.
유유별 2018-05-05 (토) 07:03 6 Years ago Address
where is the hospital
이혜미 2018-08-12 (일) 19:45 6 Years ago Address
please tell me the hospital
치즈빙수 2019-07-24 (수) 21:02 5 Years ago Address
I'm also curious about the hospital. They say it doesn't work if you go anywhere .
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