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Chin Botox Review

Anna 2018-02-09 (금) 10:14 6 Years ago 781
Considering the cost of botox, contouring, and cheekbones since I was 20 years old, and transportation costs, I could have done a square jaw surgery, but I'm afraid I can't do it because I'm more scared than money. It's a lot ㅠ They say that if you gain a lot of weight, you will lose 100%..ㅠEven though I'm under normal weight...I went on a lot of diets, but only my body lost more and my face never lost lol Can I get more Botox?ㅠ

Comment 7
배구팡 2018-02-09 (금) 18:28 6 Years ago Address
I also got Botox at a very young age, in my early 20s, so I'm still doing it... I 'm still doing contour injections, but I'm really anxious.
Anna Writer 2018-02-09 (금) 21:41 6 Years ago Address
[   @VolleyballPang] Right?
용기가필요행 2018-02-10 (토) 23:34 6 Years ago Address
I'm curious too. I 've had botox for a really long time, but my mom is so worried that it might get weird later.
Anna Writer 2018-02-13 (화) 11:32 6 Years ago Address
[@용기가필요행]  저는 아직 그정도는 아닌데 2번맞았던 친구는 턱에 힘이 안들어가서 질기거나 딱딱한거 못먹겠다고 하더라구요~ 그 정도면 보톡스는 안맞는게 좋지 않을까요?ㅠ
gcgjj 2018-02-11 (일) 01:31 6 Years ago Address
차라리 윤곽주사는 어떠세요ㅠ
Anna Writer 2018-02-13 (화) 11:33 6 Years ago Address
[@gcgjj] 윤곽주사도 몇번 맞았었는데 효과가 없더라구요 ㅠ 광대쪽에 2번, 이중턱쪽에 2번 정도 했었는데 별 효과가 없었어요 저는 ..ㅠㅠ 아큐스컬프가 답인가 싶어요 요즘..ㅜㅜㅎㅎㅎ
치즈빙수 2019-07-24 (수) 21:01 5 Years ago Address
그래서 윤곽들하시고 리프팅은
필수되는거같아요 저도포기..
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