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Ulthera 600 shots

tygf 2021-03-04 (목) 15:37 3 Years ago 1942
I received Ulthera 600 shots from ㅇㅇ after undergoing sleep anesthesia. Originally, sleep anesthesia was burdensome, so I looked into several more places, but I did it here because the director here is famous and everyone seemed to be highly satisfied with the procedure. First of all, my skin type was thin and inelastic, and the sagging wasn't that severe, but I was a little concerned about the double chin and sagging chin line. With the director, I designed how many shots for each part and how much energy would be used, and went into sleep anesthesia. One of the things I was most worried about was the pain, but it was over when I woke up, so I don't know what the pain was like during the procedure, but as soon as I woke up, the part with the jawbone was so sore and painful that I felt like I couldn't have done it without sleeping anesthesia. .. When I left after the procedure, they brought me a certificate of authenticity and a manual for a bruise cream pack. I had swelling right after the procedure, and my chin area was puffy and swollen until the 4th. It was concentrated only in the chin area, and the pain remains so that it hurts a little when I touch the jawbone until now, which has been close to 2 weeks. The overall lifting effect will have to wait to see, but now the sagging sides of the mouth and the double chin are clearly improving, and the skin seems to be elastic (?). I wish I could go up even more.. haha

Comment 18
똥싸고있네 2021-03-04 (목) 22:36 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
tygf Writer 2021-03-24 (수) 17:28 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
겨울이조하 2021-03-05 (금) 02:07 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
tygf Writer 2021-03-24 (수) 17:34 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
춥네요 2021-03-05 (금) 10:11 3 Years ago Address
와 2주까지 아플거면 진짜 맨정신으론 못하겠네요ㅠㅠ
눈눈샤넬 2021-03-05 (금) 13:10 3 Years ago Address
전 400샷했는데 3개월 지난지금 효과잘 모르겠어요 ㅠ ㅠ
tygf Writer 2021-03-24 (수) 17:24 3 Years ago Address
헉 댓글 알림 안와서 지금봤는데 효과가 아예 없으신건가요..?ㅠㅠ혹시 병원에서 정품팁은 확인시켜줬나요? 고생하셨을텐데..
라붐533 2021-03-08 (월) 16:44 3 Years ago Address
저도 효과 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
하루미야 2021-03-09 (화) 15:43 3 Years ago Address
울쎄라 마취해야할정도로 아픈가요...?
tygf Writer 2021-03-24 (수) 17:20 3 Years ago Address
헉 댓글알림이 안와서 지금봤네요ㅜㅜ마취 깨고도 얼얼할 정도였으니까 저는 마취 안하고 못할것같아요ㅠㅠ강도를 좀 낮추면 모를까
뱃살쏘옥 2021-03-14 (일) 22:26 3 Years ago Address
울쎄라로 고생이 많으셨네요 무지 아프다하던데 잘 참으셨네요
tygf Writer 2021-03-24 (수) 17:22 3 Years ago Address
감사합니다ㅠㅠ효과는 그래도 있어서 다행이에요
코제트 2021-04-15 (목) 15:17 3 Years ago Address
저는 500샷 마취크림 바르고 받았는데 받을만 한 정도의 통증이었어요. 물론 턱주변 할땐 좀 불편했고요. 근데 효과는 그닥 잘 모르겠어요. 나이가 많아서 그런건지, 에너지가 약했던건지요. 글구 의사 손기술도 많이 탄다는 얘기도 있고...혹시 비용이랑 병원이름 (초성으로 잘 모르겠어요..) 알 수 있을까요?
goldie 2021-05-16 (일) 23:52 3 Years ago Address
초성 ㅔㅁㅔㅣ 맞나요~? 알파벳 두글자?
goldie 2021-05-16 (일) 23:52 3 Years ago Address
확실히 효과있다니 축하드려요~
day1 2021-07-05 (월) 23:46 3 Years ago Address
수면 안하면 무리일까요?
닉네임뭘로하지 2022-02-03 (목) 11:44 2 Years ago Address
라인정리 많이 되셨나요?
꼬구말랭 2023-12-23 (토) 23:10 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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