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Misco review

뾰롯 2018-01-28 (일) 00:47 6 Years ago 855
I had it done with filler about four years ago. It was pretty at first, but the tip of the nose was pretty and the upturned nose went down... but it didn't last even a month. Later, the filler spread and my nose became big... After a year or two, I realized how much of the filler had melted and my nose got smaller...

Comment 4
콜리짱 2018-01-28 (일) 22:42 6 Years ago Address
If Misco melts, will my nose get bigger???ㅠㅠㅠ
수ㅇㅏ 2018-01-28 (일) 23:53 6 Years ago Address
That's it... I'm shiny and pretty now, but later it melts and the shape of my nose spreads out.
모모쯔 2018-01-31 (수) 14:35 6 Years ago Address
Missko is like that ㅜㅜ
치즈빙수 2019-07-24 (수) 20:46 5 Years ago Address
Surgery is the better answer for a double rhinoplasty, that's me.
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